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class Background

Bases: BackgroundExt, Archetype

Archetype: Configuration for the background of a view.

def __init__(color_or_kind=None, *, color=None, kind=None)

Create a new instance of the Background archetype.


Either a color for solid background color or kind of the background (see BackgroundKind). If set, color and kind must not be set.

TYPE: Rgba32Like | BackgroundKindLike | None DEFAULT: None


The type of the background. Defaults to BackgroundKind.GradientDark.

TYPE: BackgroundKindLike | None DEFAULT: None


Color used for BackgroundKind.SolidColor.

Defaults to White.

TYPE: Rgba32Like | None DEFAULT: None

class ContainerBlueprint

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: The top-level description of the Viewport.

def __init__(container_kind, *, display_name=None, contents=None, col_shares=None, row_shares=None, active_tab=None, visible=None, grid_columns=None)

Create a new instance of the ContainerBlueprint archetype.


The class of the view.

TYPE: ContainerKindLike


The name of the container.

TYPE: Utf8Like | None DEFAULT: None


ContainerIdss or SpaceViewIds that are children of this container.

TYPE: EntityPathArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


The layout shares of each column in the container.

For Horizontal containers, the length of this list should always match the number of contents.

Ignored for Vertical containers.

TYPE: ColumnShareArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


The layout shares of each row of the container.

For Vertical containers, the length of this list should always match the number of contents.

Ignored for Horizontal containers.

TYPE: RowShareArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Which tab is active.

Only applies to Tabs containers.

TYPE: EntityPathLike | None DEFAULT: None


Whether this container is visible.

Defaults to true if not specified.

TYPE: VisibleLike | None DEFAULT: None


How many columns this grid should have.

If unset, the grid layout will be auto.

Ignored for Horizontal/Vertical containers.

TYPE: GridColumnsLike | None DEFAULT: None

class PanelBlueprint

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: Shared state for the 3 collapsible panels.

def __init__(*, expanded=None)

Create a new instance of the PanelBlueprint archetype.


Whether or not the panel is expanded.

TYPE: BoolLike | None DEFAULT: None

class PlotLegend

Bases: PlotLegendExt, Archetype

Archetype: Configuration for the legend of a plot.

def __init__(corner=None, *, visible=None)

Create a new instance of the PlotLegend archetype.


To what corner the legend is aligned.

Defaults to the right bottom corner.

TYPE: Corner2DLike | None DEFAULT: None


Whether the legend is shown at all.

True by default.

TYPE: VisibleLike | None DEFAULT: None

class ScalarAxis

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: Configuration for the scalar axis of a plot.

def __init__(*, range=None, lock_range_during_zoom=None)

Create a new instance of the ScalarAxis archetype.


The range of the axis.

If unset, the range well be automatically determined based on the queried data.

TYPE: Range1DLike | None DEFAULT: None


Whether to lock the range of the axis during zoom.

TYPE: BoolLike | None DEFAULT: None

class SpaceViewBlueprint

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: The top-level description of the Viewport.

def __init__(class_identifier, *, display_name=None, space_origin=None, visible=None)

Create a new instance of the SpaceViewBlueprint archetype.


The class of the view.

TYPE: Utf8Like


The name of the view.

TYPE: Utf8Like | None DEFAULT: None


The "anchor point" of this space view.

Defaults to the root path '/' if not specified.

The transform at this path forms the reference point for all scene->world transforms in this space view. I.e. the position of this entity path in space forms the origin of the coordinate system in this space view. Furthermore, this is the primary indicator for heuristics on what entities we show in this space view.

TYPE: EntityPathLike | None DEFAULT: None


Whether this space view is visible.

Defaults to true if not specified.

TYPE: VisibleLike | None DEFAULT: None

class SpaceViewContents

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: The contents of a SpaceView.

The contents are found by combining a collection of QueryExpressions.

+ /world/**           # add everything…
- /world/roads/**     # …but remove all roads…
+ /world/roads/main   # …but show main road

If there is multiple matching rules, the most specific rule wins. If there are multiple rules of the same specificity, the last one wins. If no rules match, the path is excluded.

Specifying a path without a + or - prefix is equivalent to +:

/world/**           # add everything…
- /world/roads/**   # …but remove all roads…
/world/roads/main   # …but show main road

The /** suffix matches the whole subtree, i.e. self and any child, recursively (/world/** matches both /world and /world/car/driver). Other uses of * are not (yet) supported.

Internally, EntityPathFilter sorts the rule by entity path, with recursive coming before non-recursive. This means the last matching rule is also the most specific one. For instance:

+ /world/**
- /world
- /world/car/**
+ /world/car/driver

The last rule matching /world/car/driver is + /world/car/driver, so it is included. The last rule matching /world/car/hood is - /world/car/**, so it is excluded. The last rule matching /world is - /world, so it is excluded. The last rule matching /world/house is + /world/**, so it is included.

def __init__(query)

Create a new instance of the SpaceViewContents archetype.


The QueryExpression that populates the contents for the SpaceView.

They determine which entities are part of the spaceview.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike

class ViewportBlueprint

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: The top-level description of the Viewport.

def __init__(*, root_container=None, maximized=None, auto_layout=None, auto_space_views=None, past_viewer_recommendations=None)

Create a new instance of the ViewportBlueprint archetype.


The layout of the space-views

TYPE: UuidLike | None DEFAULT: None


Show one tab as maximized?

TYPE: UuidLike | None DEFAULT: None


Whether the viewport layout is determined automatically.

If true, the container layout will be reset whenever a new space view is added or removed. This defaults to false and is automatically set to false when there is user determined layout.

TYPE: AutoLayoutLike | None DEFAULT: None


Whether or not space views should be created automatically.

If true, the viewer will only add space views that it hasn't considered previously (as identified by past_viewer_recommendations) and which aren't deemed redundant to existing space views. This defaults to false and is automatically set to false when the user adds space views manually in the viewer.

TYPE: AutoSpaceViewsLike | None DEFAULT: None


Hashes of all recommended space views the viewer has already added and that should not be added again.

This is an internal field and should not be set usually. If you want the viewer from stopping to add space views, you should set auto_space_views to false.

The viewer uses this to determine whether it should keep adding space views.

TYPE: UInt64ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class VisibleTimeRanges

Bases: VisibleTimeRangesExt, Archetype

Archetype: Configures what range of each timeline is shown on a view.

Whenever no visual time range applies, queries are done with "latest at" semantics. This means that the view will, starting from the time cursor position, query the latest data available for each component type.

The default visual time range depends on the type of view this property applies to: - For time series views, the default is to show the entire timeline. - For any other view, the default is to apply latest-at semantics.

def __init__(ranges)

Create a new instance of the VisibleTimeRanges archetype.


The time ranges to show for each timeline unless specified otherwise on a per-entity basis.

If a timeline is listed twice, a warning will be issued and the first entry will be used.

TYPE: VisibleTimeRangeArrayLike

class VisualBounds2D

Bases: VisualBounds2DExt, Archetype

Archetype: Controls the visual bounds of a 2D view.

Everything within these bounds are guaranteed to be visible. Somethings outside of these bounds may also be visible due to letterboxing.

If no visual bounds are set, it will be determined automatically, based on the bounding-box of the data or other camera information present in the view.

def __init__(*, x_range, y_range)

Create a new instance of the VisualBounds2D archetype.


The minimum visible range of the X-axis (usually left and right bounds).

TYPE: Range1DLike


The minimum visible range of the Y-axis (usually left and right bounds).

TYPE: Range1DLike