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class ActiveTab

Bases: EntityPath

Component: The active tab in a tabbed container.

class AutoLayout

Component: Whether the viewport layout is determined automatically.

def __init__(auto_layout)

Create a new instance of the AutoLayout component.

class AutoSpaceViews

Component: Whether or not space views should be created automatically.

def __init__(auto_space_views)

Create a new instance of the AutoSpaceViews component.

class BackgroundKind

Bases: Enum

Component: The type of the background in a view.

GradientBright = 2 class-attribute instance-attribute

A bright gradient.

In 3D views it changes depending on the direction of the view.

GradientDark = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute

A dark gradient.

In 3D views it changes depending on the direction of the view.

SolidColor = 3 class-attribute instance-attribute

Simple uniform color.

class ColumnShare

Component: The layout share of a column in the container.

def __init__(share)

Create a new instance of the ColumnShare component.


The layout shares of a column in the container.

TYPE: ColumnShareLike

class ContainerKind

Bases: Enum

Component: The kind of a blueprint container (tabs, grid, …).

class Corner2D

Bases: Enum

Component: One of four 2D corners, typically used to align objects.

LeftBottom = 3 class-attribute instance-attribute

Left bottom corner.

LeftTop = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute

Left top corner.

RightBottom = 4 class-attribute instance-attribute

Right bottom corner.

RightTop = 2 class-attribute instance-attribute

Right top corner.

class EntityPropertiesComponent

Component: The configurable set of overridable properties.

def __init__(props)

Create a new instance of the EntityPropertiesComponent component.

class GridColumns

Component: How many columns a grid container should have.

def __init__(columns)

Create a new instance of the GridColumns component.


The number of columns.

TYPE: GridColumnsLike

class IncludedContent

Bases: EntityPath

Component: All the contents in the container.

class IncludedSpaceView

Bases: Uuid

Component: The unique id of a space view, used to refer to views in containers.

class LockRangeDuringZoom

Bases: Bool

Component: Indicate whether the range should be locked when zooming in on the data.

Default is false, i.e. zoom will change the visualized range.

class PanelExpanded

Bases: Bool

Component: Whether an application panel is expanded or not.

class QueryExpression

Bases: Utf8

Component: An individual QueryExpression used to filter a set of EntityPaths.

Each expression is either an inclusion or an exclusion expression. Inclusions start with an optional + and exclusions must start with a -.

Multiple expressions are combined together as part of SpaceViewContents.

The /** suffix matches the whole subtree, i.e. self and any child, recursively (/world/** matches both /world and /world/car/driver). Other uses of * are not (yet) supported.

class RootContainer

Bases: Uuid

Component: The container that sits at the root of a viewport.

class RowShare

Component: The layout share of a row in the container.

def __init__(share)

Create a new instance of the RowShare component.


The layout share of a row in the container.

TYPE: RowShareLike

class SpaceViewClass

Bases: Utf8

Component: The class of a SpaceView.

class SpaceViewMaximized

Bases: Uuid

Component: Whether a space view is maximized.

class SpaceViewOrigin

Bases: EntityPath

Component: The origin of a SpaceView.

class ViewerRecommendationHash

Bases: UInt64

Component: Hash of a viewer recommendation.

The formation of this hash is considered an internal implementation detail of the viewer.

class Visible

Component: Whether the container, space view, entity or instance is currently visible.

def __init__(visible)

Create a new instance of the Visible component.

class VisibleTimeRange

Bases: VisibleTimeRange

Component: The range of values on a given timeline that will be included in a view's query.

Refer to VisibleTimeRanges archetype for more information.

class VisualBounds2D

Bases: VisualBounds2DExt, Range2D

Component: Visual bounds in 2D space used for Spatial2DView.