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class AnnotationContext

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: The AnnotationContext provides additional information on how to display entities.

Entities can use ClassIds and KeypointIds to provide annotations, and the labels and colors will be looked up in the appropriate AnnotationContext. We use the first annotation context we find in the path-hierarchy when searching up through the ancestors of a given entity path.

See also ClassDescription.


import numpy as np
import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_annotation_context_segmentation", spawn=True)

# Create a simple segmentation image
image = np.zeros((200, 300), dtype=np.uint8)
image[50:100, 50:120] = 1
image[100:180, 130:280] = 2

# Log an annotation context to assign a label and color to each class
rr.log("segmentation", rr.AnnotationContext([(1, "red", (255, 0, 0)), (2, "green", (0, 255, 0))]), static=True)

rr.log("segmentation/image", rr.SegmentationImage(image))

def __init__(context)

Create a new instance of the AnnotationContext archetype.


List of class descriptions, mapping class indices to class names, colors etc.

TYPE: AnnotationContextLike

class Arrows2D

Bases: Arrows2DExt, Archetype

Archetype: 2D arrows with optional colors, radii, labels, etc.

Simple batch of 2D arrows:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_arrow2d", spawn=True)

        origins=[[0.25, 0.0], [0.25, 0.0], [-0.1, -0.1]],
        vectors=[[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0], [-0.7, 0.7]],
        colors=[[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [127, 0, 255]],
        labels=["right", "up", "left-down"],

def __init__(*, vectors, origins=None, radii=None, colors=None, labels=None, class_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the Arrows2D archetype.


All the vectors for each arrow in the batch.

TYPE: Vec2DArrayLike


All the origin points for each arrow in the batch.

If no origins are set, (0, 0, 0) is used as the origin for each arrow.

TYPE: Vec2DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional radii for the arrows.

The shaft is rendered as a line with radius = 0.5 * radius. The tip is rendered with height = 2.0 * radius and radius = 1.0 * radius.

TYPE: RadiusArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional colors for the points.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional text labels for the arrows.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional class Ids for the points.

The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Arrows3D

Bases: Arrows3DExt, Archetype

Archetype: 3D arrows with optional colors, radii, labels, etc.

Simple batch of 3D arrows:

from math import tau

import numpy as np
import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_arrow3d", spawn=True)

lengths = np.log2(np.arange(0, 100) + 1)
angles = np.arange(start=0, stop=tau, step=tau * 0.01)
origins = np.zeros((100, 3))
vectors = np.column_stack([np.sin(angles) * lengths, np.zeros(100), np.cos(angles) * lengths])
colors = [[1.0 - c, c, 0.5, 0.5] for c in angles / tau]

rr.log("arrows", rr.Arrows3D(origins=origins, vectors=vectors, colors=colors))

def __init__(*, vectors, origins=None, radii=None, colors=None, labels=None, class_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the Arrows3D archetype.


All the vectors for each arrow in the batch.

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike


All the origin points for each arrow in the batch.

If no origins are set, (0, 0, 0) is used as the origin for each arrow.

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional radii for the arrows.

The shaft is rendered as a line with radius = 0.5 * radius. The tip is rendered with height = 2.0 * radius and radius = 1.0 * radius.

TYPE: RadiusArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional colors for the points.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional text labels for the arrows.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional class Ids for the points.

The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Asset3D

Bases: Asset3DExt, Archetype

Archetype: A prepacked 3D asset (.gltf, .glb, .obj, .stl, etc.).

See also Mesh3D.

Simple 3D asset:

import sys

import rerun as rr

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} <path_to_asset.[gltf|glb|obj|stl]>")

rr.init("rerun_example_asset3d", spawn=True)

rr.log("world", rr.ViewCoordinates.RIGHT_HAND_Z_UP, static=True)  # Set an up-axis
rr.log("world/asset", rr.Asset3D(path=sys.argv[1]))

def __init__(*, path=None, contents=None, media_type=None, transform=None)

Create a new instance of the Asset3D archetype.


A path to an file stored on the local filesystem. Mutually exclusive with contents.

TYPE: str | Path | None DEFAULT: None


The contents of the file. Can be a BufferedReader, BytesIO, or bytes. Mutually exclusive with path.

TYPE: BlobLike | None DEFAULT: None


The Media Type of the asset.

For instance: * model/gltf-binary * model/gltf+json * model/obj * model/stl

If omitted, it will be guessed from the path (if any), or the viewer will try to guess from the contents (magic header). If the media type cannot be guessed, the viewer won't be able to render the asset.

TYPE: Utf8Like | None DEFAULT: None


An out-of-tree transform.

Applies a transformation to the asset itself without impacting its children.

TYPE: Transform3DLike | None DEFAULT: None

class BarChart

Bases: BarChartExt, Archetype

Archetype: A bar chart.

The x values will be the indices of the array, and the bar heights will be the provided values.

Simple bar chart:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_bar_chart", spawn=True)
rr.log("bar_chart", rr.BarChart([8, 4, 0, 9, 1, 4, 1, 6, 9, 0]))

def __init__(values, *, color=None)

Create a new instance of the BarChart archetype.


The values. Should always be a 1-dimensional tensor (i.e. a vector).

TYPE: TensorDataLike


The color of the bar chart

TYPE: Rgba32Like | None DEFAULT: None

class Boxes2D

Bases: Boxes2DExt, Archetype

Archetype: 2D boxes with half-extents and optional center, rotations, rotations, colors etc.

Simple 2D boxes:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_box2d", spawn=True)

rr.log("simple", rr.Boxes2D(mins=[-1, -1], sizes=[2, 2]))

def __init__(*, sizes=None, mins=None, half_sizes=None, centers=None, array=None, array_format=None, radii=None, colors=None, labels=None, draw_order=None, class_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the Boxes2D archetype.


Full extents in x/y. Incompatible with array and half_sizes.

TYPE: Vec2DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


All half-extents that make up the batch of boxes. Specify this instead of sizes Incompatible with array and sizes.

TYPE: Vec2DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Minimum coordinates of the boxes. Specify this instead of centers. Incompatible with array. Only valid when used together with either sizes or half_sizes.

TYPE: Vec2DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


An array of boxes in the format specified by array_format. Requires specifying array_format. Incompatible with sizes, half_sizes, mins and centers.

TYPE: ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


How to interpret the data in array.

TYPE: Box2DFormat | None DEFAULT: None


Optional center positions of the boxes.

TYPE: Vec2DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional colors for the boxes.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional radii for the lines that make up the boxes.

TYPE: RadiusArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional text labels for the boxes.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order. Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values.

The default for 2D boxes is 10.0.

TYPE: DrawOrderLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional ClassIds for the boxes.

The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Boxes3D

Bases: Boxes3DExt, Archetype

Archetype: 3D boxes with half-extents and optional center, rotations, rotations, colors etc.

Batch of 3D boxes:

import rerun as rr
from rerun.datatypes import Angle, Quaternion, Rotation3D, RotationAxisAngle

rr.init("rerun_example_box3d_batch", spawn=True)

        centers=[[2, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2]],
        half_sizes=[[2.0, 2.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.5], [2.0, 0.5, 1.0]],
            Quaternion(xyzw=[0.0, 0.0, 0.382683, 0.923880]),  # 45 degrees around Z
            RotationAxisAngle(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=Angle(deg=30)),
        colors=[(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)],
        labels=["red", "green", "blue"],

def __init__(*, sizes=None, mins=None, half_sizes=None, centers=None, rotations=None, colors=None, radii=None, labels=None, class_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the Boxes3D archetype.


Full extents in x/y/z. Specify this instead of half_sizes

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


All half-extents that make up the batch of boxes. Specify this instead of sizes

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Minimum coordinates of the boxes. Specify this instead of centers.

Only valid when used together with either sizes or half_sizes.

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional center positions of the boxes.

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional rotations of the boxes.

TYPE: Rotation3DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional colors for the boxes.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional radii for the lines that make up the boxes.

TYPE: RadiusArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional text labels for the boxes.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional ClassIds for the boxes.

The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Clear

Bases: ClearExt, Archetype

Archetype: Empties all the components of an entity.

The presence of a clear means that a latest-at query of components at a given path(s) will not return any components that were logged at those paths before the clear. Any logged components after the clear are unaffected by the clear.

This implies that a range query that includes time points that are before the clear, still returns all components at the given path(s). Meaning that in practice clears are ineffective when making use of visible time ranges. Scalar plots are an exception: they track clears and use them to represent holes in the data (i.e. discontinuous lines).


import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_clear", spawn=True)

vectors = [(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, -1.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)]
origins = [(-0.5, 0.5, 0.0), (0.5, 0.5, 0.0), (0.5, -0.5, 0.0), (-0.5, -0.5, 0.0)]
colors = [(200, 0, 0), (0, 200, 0), (0, 0, 200), (200, 0, 200)]

# Log a handful of arrows.
for i, (vector, origin, color) in enumerate(zip(vectors, origins, colors)):
    rr.log(f"arrows/{i}", rr.Arrows3D(vectors=vector, origins=origin, colors=color))

# Now clear them, one by one on each tick.
for i in range(len(vectors)):
    rr.log(f"arrows/{i}", rr.Clear(recursive=False))  # or `rr.Clear.flat()`

def __init__(*, recursive)

Create a new instance of the Clear archetype.


Whether to recursively clear all children.

TYPE: bool

def flat() staticmethod

Returns a non-recursive clear archetype.

This will empty all components of the associated entity at the logged timepoint. Children will be left untouched.

def recursive() staticmethod

Returns a recursive clear archetype.

This will empty all components of the associated entity at the logged timepoint, as well as all components of all its recursive children.

class DepthImage

Bases: DepthImageExt, Archetype

Archetype: A depth image.

The shape of the TensorData must be mappable to an HxW tensor. Each pixel corresponds to a depth value in units specified by meter.

Depth to 3D example:

import numpy as np
import rerun as rr

depth_image = 65535 * np.ones((200, 300), dtype=np.uint16)
depth_image[50:150, 50:150] = 20000
depth_image[130:180, 100:280] = 45000

rr.init("rerun_example_depth_image_3d", spawn=True)

# If we log a pinhole camera model, the depth gets automatically back-projected to 3D

# Log the tensor.
rr.log("world/camera/depth", rr.DepthImage(depth_image, meter=10_000.0, colormap="viridis"))

def __init__(data, *, meter=None, colormap=None, point_fill_ratio=None, draw_order=None)

Create a new instance of the DepthImage archetype.


The depth-image data. Should always be a 2-dimensional tensor.

TYPE: TensorDataLike


An optional floating point value that specifies how long a meter is in the native depth units.

For instance: with uint16, perhaps meter=1000 which would mean you have millimeter precision and a range of up to ~65 meters (2^16 / 1000).

Note that the only effect on 2D views is the physical depth values shown when hovering the image. In 3D views on the other hand, this affects where the points of the point cloud are placed.

TYPE: DepthMeterLike | None DEFAULT: None


Colormap to use for rendering the depth image.

If not set, the depth image will be rendered using the Turbo colormap.

TYPE: ColormapLike | None DEFAULT: None


Scale the radii of the points in the point cloud generated from this image.

A fill ratio of 1.0 (the default) means that each point is as big as to touch the center of its neighbor if it is at the same depth, leaving no gaps. A fill ratio of 0.5 means that each point touches the edge of its neighbor if it has the same depth.

TODO(#6744): This applies only to 3D views!

TYPE: Float32Like | None DEFAULT: None


An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order, used only if the depth image is shown as a 2D image.

Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values.

TYPE: DrawOrderLike | None DEFAULT: None

class DisconnectedSpace

Bases: DisconnectedSpaceExt, Archetype

Archetype: Spatially disconnect this entity from its parent.

Specifies that the entity path at which this is logged is spatially disconnected from its parent, making it impossible to transform the entity path into its parent's space and vice versa. It only applies to space views that work with spatial transformations, i.e. 2D & 3D space views. This is useful for specifying that a subgraph is independent of the rest of the scene.

Disconnected space:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_disconnected_space", spawn=True)

# These two points can be projected into the same space..
rr.log("world/room1/point", rr.Points3D([[0, 0, 0]]))
rr.log("world/room2/point", rr.Points3D([[1, 1, 1]]))

# ..but this one lives in a completely separate space!
rr.log("world/wormhole", rr.DisconnectedSpace())
rr.log("world/wormhole/point", rr.Points3D([[2, 2, 2]]))

def __init__(is_disconnected=True)

Disconnect an entity from its parent.


Whether or not the entity should be disconnected from the rest of the scene. Set to True to disconnect the entity from its parent. Set to False to disable the effects of this archetype, (re-)connecting the entity to its parent again.

TYPE: DisconnectedSpaceLike DEFAULT: True

class Image

Bases: ImageExt, Archetype

Archetype: A monochrome or color image.

The order of dimensions in the underlying TensorData follows the typical row-major, interleaved-pixel image format. Additionally, Rerun orders the TensorDimensions within the shape description from outer-most to inner-most.

As such, the shape of the TensorData must be mappable to: - A HxW tensor, treated as a grayscale image. - A HxWx3 tensor, treated as an RGB image. - A HxWx4 tensor, treated as an RGBA image.

Leading and trailing unit-dimensions are ignored, so that 1x480x640x3x1 is treated as a 480x640x3 RGB image.

Rerun also supports compressed image encoded as JPEG, N12, and YUY2. Using these formats can save a lot of bandwidth and memory. To compress an image, use rerun.Image.compress. To pass in an already encoded image, use rerun.ImageEncoded.


import numpy as np
import rerun as rr

# Create an image with numpy
image = np.zeros((200, 300, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
image[:, :, 0] = 255
image[50:150, 50:150] = (0, 255, 0)

rr.init("rerun_example_image", spawn=True)

rr.log("image", rr.Image(image))

def __init__(data, *, opacity=None, draw_order=None)

Create a new instance of the Image archetype.


The image data. Should always be a 2- or 3-dimensional tensor.

TYPE: TensorDataLike


Opacity of the image, useful for layering several images.

Defaults to 1.0 (fully opaque).

TYPE: Float32Like | None DEFAULT: None


An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order.

Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values.

TYPE: DrawOrderLike | None DEFAULT: None

def compress(*, jpeg_quality=95)

Converts an Image to an rerun.ImageEncoded using JPEG compression.

JPEG compression works best for photographs. Only RGB or Mono images are supported, not RGBA. Note that compressing to JPEG costs a bit of CPU time, both when logging and later when viewing them.


Higher quality = larger file size. A quality of 95 still saves a lot of space, but is visually very similar.


class LineStrips2D

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: 2D line strips with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc.



import rerun as rr
import rerun.blueprint as rrb

rr.init("rerun_example_line_strip2d_batch", spawn=True)

            [[0, 0], [2, 1], [4, -1], [6, 0]],
            [[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 2], [3, 4], [4, 2], [5, 4], [6, 3]],
        colors=[[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0]],
        radii=[0.025, 0.005],
        labels=["one strip here", "and one strip there"],

# Set view bounds:
rr.send_blueprint(rrb.Spatial2DView(visual_bounds=rrb.VisualBounds2D(x_range=[-1, 7], y_range=[-3, 6])))

Lines with scene & UI radius each:
import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_line_strip3d_ui_radius", spawn=True)

# A blue line with a scene unit radii of 0.01.
points = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]]
        # By default, radii are interpreted as world-space units.
        colors=[0, 0, 255],

# A red line with a ui point radii of 5.
# UI points are independent of zooming in Views, but are sensitive to the application UI scaling.
# For 100% ui scaling, UI points are equal to pixels.
points = [[3, 0, 0], [3, 0, 1], [4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 1]]
        # rr.Radius.ui_points produces radii that the viewer interprets as given in ui points.
        colors=[255, 0, 0],
def __init__(strips, *, radii=None, colors=None, labels=None, draw_order=None, class_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the LineStrips2D archetype.


All the actual 2D line strips that make up the batch.

TYPE: LineStrip2DArrayLike


Optional radii for the line strips.

TYPE: RadiusArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional colors for the line strips.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional text labels for the line strips.

If there's a single label present, it will be placed at the center of the entity. Otherwise, each instance will have its own label.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order of each line strip.

Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values.

TYPE: DrawOrderLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional ClassIds for the lines.

The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class LineStrips3D

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: 3D line strips with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc.


Many strips:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_line_strip3d_batch", spawn=True)

                [0, 0, 2],
                [1, 0, 2],
                [1, 1, 2],
                [0, 1, 2],
                [0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 1],
                [1, 0, 0],
                [1, 0, 1],
                [1, 1, 0],
                [1, 1, 1],
                [0, 1, 0],
                [0, 1, 1],
        colors=[[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0]],
        radii=[0.025, 0.005],
        labels=["one strip here", "and one strip there"],

Lines with scene & UI radius each:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_line_strip3d_ui_radius", spawn=True)

# A blue line with a scene unit radii of 0.01.
points = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]]
        # By default, radii are interpreted as world-space units.
        colors=[0, 0, 255],

# A red line with a ui point radii of 5.
# UI points are independent of zooming in Views, but are sensitive to the application UI scaling.
# For 100% ui scaling, UI points are equal to pixels.
points = [[3, 0, 0], [3, 0, 1], [4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 1]]
        # rr.Radius.ui_points produces radii that the viewer interprets as given in ui points.
        colors=[255, 0, 0],

def __init__(strips, *, radii=None, colors=None, labels=None, class_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the LineStrips3D archetype.


All the actual 3D line strips that make up the batch.

TYPE: LineStrip3DArrayLike


Optional radii for the line strips.

TYPE: RadiusArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional colors for the line strips.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional text labels for the line strips.

If there's a single label present, it will be placed at the center of the entity. Otherwise, each instance will have its own label.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional ClassIds for the lines.

The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Mesh3D

Bases: Mesh3DExt, Archetype

Archetype: A 3D triangle mesh as specified by its per-mesh and per-vertex properties.

See also Asset3D.

Simple indexed 3D mesh:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_mesh3d_indexed", spawn=True)

        vertex_positions=[[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
        vertex_normals=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
        vertex_colors=[[0, 0, 255], [0, 255, 0], [255, 0, 0]],
        triangle_indices=[2, 1, 0],

def __init__(*, vertex_positions, triangle_indices=None, vertex_normals=None, vertex_colors=None, vertex_texcoords=None, albedo_texture=None, mesh_material=None, class_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the Mesh3D archetype.


The positions of each vertex. If no indices are specified, then each triplet of positions is interpreted as a triangle.

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike


Optional indices for the triangles that make up the mesh.

TYPE: UVec3DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


An optional normal for each vertex. If specified, this must have as many elements as vertex_positions.

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


An optional texture coordinate for each vertex. If specified, this must have as many elements as vertex_positions.

TYPE: Vec2DArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


An optional color for each vertex.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional material properties for the mesh as a whole.

TYPE: MaterialLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional albedo texture. Used with vertex_texcoords on Mesh3D. Currently supports only sRGB(A) textures, ignoring alpha. (meaning that the tensor must have 3 or 4 channels and use the u8 format)

TYPE: TensorDataLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional class Ids for the vertices. The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Pinhole

Bases: PinholeExt, Archetype

Archetype: Camera perspective projection (a.k.a. intrinsics).


Simple pinhole camera:

import numpy as np
import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_pinhole", spawn=True)
rng = np.random.default_rng(12345)

image = rng.uniform(0, 255, size=[3, 3, 3])
rr.log("world/image", rr.Pinhole(focal_length=3, width=3, height=3))
rr.log("world/image", rr.Image(image))

Perspective pinhole camera:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_pinhole_perspective", spawn=True)

rr.log("world/cam", rr.Pinhole(fov_y=0.7853982, aspect_ratio=1.7777778, camera_xyz=rr.ViewCoordinates.RUB))

rr.log("world/points", rr.Points3D([(0.0, 0.0, -0.5), (0.1, 0.1, -0.5), (-0.1, -0.1, -0.5)]))

def __init__(*, image_from_camera=None, resolution=None, camera_xyz=None, width=None, height=None, focal_length=None, principal_point=None, fov_y=None, aspect_ratio=None, image_plane_distance=None)

Create a new instance of the Pinhole archetype.


Row-major intrinsics matrix for projecting from camera space to image space. The first two axes are X=Right and Y=Down, respectively. Projection is done along the positive third (Z=Forward) axis. This can be specified instead of focal_length and principal_point.

TYPE: Mat3x3Like | None DEFAULT: None


Pixel resolution (usually integers) of child image space. Width and height. image_from_camera projects onto the space spanned by (0,0) and resolution - 1.

TYPE: Vec2DLike | None DEFAULT: None


Sets the view coordinates for the camera.

All common values are available as constants on the components.ViewCoordinates class.

The default is ViewCoordinates.RDF, i.e. X=Right, Y=Down, Z=Forward, and this is also the recommended setting. This means that the camera frustum will point along the positive Z axis of the parent space, and the cameras "up" direction will be along the negative Y axis of the parent space.

The camera frustum will point whichever axis is set to F (or the opposite of B). When logging a depth image under this entity, this is the direction the point cloud will be projected. With RDF, the default forward is +Z.

The frustum's "up" direction will be whichever axis is set to U (or the opposite of D). This will match the negative Y direction of pixel space (all images are assumed to have xyz=RDF). With RDF, the default is up is -Y.

The frustum's "right" direction will be whichever axis is set to R (or the opposite of L). This will match the positive X direction of pixel space (all images are assumed to have xyz=RDF). With RDF, the default right is +x.

Other common formats are RUB (X=Right, Y=Up, Z=Back) and FLU (X=Forward, Y=Left, Z=Up).

NOTE: setting this to something else than RDF (the default) will change the orientation of the camera frustum, and make the pinhole matrix not match up with the coordinate system of the pinhole entity.

The pinhole matrix (the image_from_camera argument) always project along the third (Z) axis, but will be re-oriented to project along the forward axis of the camera_xyz argument.

TYPE: ViewCoordinatesLike | None DEFAULT: None


The focal length of the camera in pixels. This is the diagonal of the projection matrix. Set one value for symmetric cameras, or two values (X=Right, Y=Down) for anamorphic cameras.

TYPE: float | ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


The center of the camera in pixels. The default is half the width and height. This is the last column of the projection matrix. Expects two values along the dimensions Right and Down

TYPE: ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Width of the image in pixels.

TYPE: int | float | None DEFAULT: None


Height of the image in pixels.

TYPE: int | float | None DEFAULT: None


Vertical field of view in radians.

TYPE: float | None DEFAULT: None


Aspect ratio (width/height).

TYPE: float | None DEFAULT: None


The distance from the camera origin to the image plane when the projection is shown in a 3D viewer. This is only used for visualization purposes, and does not affect the projection itself.

TYPE: float | None DEFAULT: None

class Points2D

Bases: Points2DExt, Archetype

Archetype: A 2D point cloud with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc.


Randomly distributed 2D points with varying color and radius:

import rerun as rr
import rerun.blueprint as rrb
from numpy.random import default_rng

rr.init("rerun_example_points2d_random", spawn=True)
rng = default_rng(12345)

positions = rng.uniform(-3, 3, size=[10, 2])
colors = rng.uniform(0, 255, size=[10, 4])
radii = rng.uniform(0, 1, size=[10])

rr.log("random", rr.Points2D(positions, colors=colors, radii=radii))

# Set view bounds:
rr.send_blueprint(rrb.Spatial2DView(visual_bounds=rrb.VisualBounds2D(x_range=[-4, 4], y_range=[-4, 4])))

Log points with radii given in UI points:

import rerun as rr
import rerun.blueprint as rrb

rr.init("rerun_example_points2d_ui_radius", spawn=True)

# Two blue points with scene unit radii of 0.1 and 0.3.
        [[0, 0], [0, 1]],
        # By default, radii are interpreted as world-space units.
        radii=[0.1, 0.3],
        colors=[0, 0, 255],

# Two red points with ui point radii of 40 and 60.
# UI points are independent of zooming in Views, but are sensitive to the application UI scaling.
# For 100% ui scaling, UI points are equal to pixels.
        [[1, 0], [1, 1]],
        # rr.Radius.ui_points produces radii that the viewer interprets as given in ui points.
        radii=rr.Radius.ui_points([40.0, 60.0]),
        colors=[255, 0, 0],

# Set view bounds:
rr.send_blueprint(rrb.Spatial2DView(visual_bounds=rrb.VisualBounds2D(x_range=[-1, 2], y_range=[-1, 2])))

def __init__(positions, *, radii=None, colors=None, labels=None, draw_order=None, class_ids=None, keypoint_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the Points2D archetype.


All the 2D positions at which the point cloud shows points.

TYPE: Vec2DArrayLike


Optional radii for the points, effectively turning them into circles.

TYPE: RadiusArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional colors for the points.

The colors are interpreted as RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space, As either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional text labels for the points.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order. Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values.

TYPE: DrawOrderLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional class Ids for the points.

The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional keypoint IDs for the points, identifying them within a class.

If keypoint IDs are passed in but no class IDs were specified, the class ID will default to 0. This is useful to identify points within a single classification (which is identified with class_id). E.g. the classification might be 'Person' and the keypoints refer to joints on a detected skeleton.

TYPE: KeypointIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Points3D

Bases: Points3DExt, Archetype

Archetype: A 3D point cloud with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc.


Randomly distributed 3D points with varying color and radius:

import rerun as rr
from numpy.random import default_rng

rr.init("rerun_example_points3d_random", spawn=True)
rng = default_rng(12345)

positions = rng.uniform(-5, 5, size=[10, 3])
colors = rng.uniform(0, 255, size=[10, 3])
radii = rng.uniform(0, 1, size=[10])

rr.log("random", rr.Points3D(positions, colors=colors, radii=radii))

Log points with radii given in UI points:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_points3d_ui_radius", spawn=True)

# Two blue points with scene unit radii of 0.1 and 0.3.
        [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]],
        # By default, radii are interpreted as world-space units.
        radii=[0.1, 0.3],
        colors=[0, 0, 255],

# Two red points with ui point radii of 40 and 60.
# UI points are independent of zooming in Views, but are sensitive to the application UI scaling.
# For 100% ui scaling, UI points are equal to pixels.
        [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]],
        # rr.Radius.ui_points produces radii that the viewer interprets as given in ui points.
        radii=rr.Radius.ui_points([40.0, 60.0]),
        colors=[255, 0, 0],

def __init__(positions, *, radii=None, colors=None, labels=None, class_ids=None, keypoint_ids=None)

Create a new instance of the Points3D archetype.


All the 3D positions at which the point cloud shows points.

TYPE: Vec3DArrayLike


Optional radii for the points, effectively turning them into circles.

TYPE: RadiusArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional colors for the points.

The colors are interpreted as RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space, As either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

TYPE: Rgba32ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional text labels for the points.

TYPE: Utf8ArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional class Ids for the points.

The class ID provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

TYPE: ClassIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None


Optional keypoint IDs for the points, identifying them within a class.

If keypoint IDs are passed in but no class IDs were specified, the class ID will default to 0. This is useful to identify points within a single classification (which is identified with class_id). E.g. the classification might be 'Person' and the keypoints refer to joints on a detected skeleton.

TYPE: KeypointIdArrayLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Scalar

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: Log a double-precision scalar.

The current timeline value will be used for the time/X-axis, hence scalars cannot be static.

When used to produce a plot, this archetype is used to provide the data that is referenced by the SeriesLine or SeriesPoint archetypes. You can do this by logging both archetypes to the same path, or alternatively configuring the plot-specific archetypes through the blueprint.

See also SeriesPoint, SeriesLine.

Simple line plot:

import math

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_scalar", spawn=True)

# Log the data on a timeline called "step".
for step in range(0, 64):
    rr.set_time_sequence("step", step)
    rr.log("scalar", rr.Scalar(math.sin(step / 10.0)))

def __init__(scalar)

Create a new instance of the Scalar archetype.


The scalar value to log.

TYPE: ScalarLike

class SegmentationImage

Bases: SegmentationImageExt, Archetype

Archetype: An image made up of integer class-ids.

The shape of the TensorData must be mappable to an HxW tensor. Each pixel corresponds to a class-id that will be mapped to a color based on annotation context.

In the case of floating point images, the label will be looked up based on rounding to the nearest integer value.

Leading and trailing unit-dimensions are ignored, so that 1x640x480x1 is treated as a 640x480 image.

See also AnnotationContext to associate each class with a color and a label.

Simple segmentation image:

import numpy as np
import rerun as rr

# Create a segmentation image
image = np.zeros((8, 12), dtype=np.uint8)
image[0:4, 0:6] = 1
image[4:8, 6:12] = 2

rr.init("rerun_example_segmentation_image", spawn=True)

# Assign a label and color to each class
rr.log("/", rr.AnnotationContext([(1, "red", (255, 0, 0)), (2, "green", (0, 255, 0))]), static=True)

rr.log("image", rr.SegmentationImage(image))

def __init__(data, *, opacity=None, draw_order=None)

Create a new instance of the SegmentationImage archetype.


The image data. Should always be a 2-dimensional tensor.

TYPE: TensorDataLike


Opacity of the image, useful for layering the segmentation image on top of another image.

Defaults to 0.5 if there's any other images in the scene, otherwise 1.0.

TYPE: Float32Like | None DEFAULT: None


An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order.

Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values.

TYPE: DrawOrderLike | None DEFAULT: None

class SeriesLine

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: Define the style properties for a line series in a chart.

This archetype only provides styling information and should be logged as static when possible. The underlying data needs to be logged to the same entity-path using the Scalar archetype.

See Scalar

Line series:

from math import cos, sin, tau

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_series_line_style", spawn=True)

# Set up plot styling:
# They are logged as static as they don't change over time and apply to all timelines.
# Log two lines series under a shared root so that they show in the same plot by default.
rr.log("trig/sin", rr.SeriesLine(color=[255, 0, 0], name="sin(0.01t)", width=2), static=True)
rr.log("trig/cos", rr.SeriesLine(color=[0, 255, 0], name="cos(0.01t)", width=4), static=True)

# Log the data on a timeline called "step".
for t in range(0, int(tau * 2 * 100.0)):
    rr.set_time_sequence("step", t)

    rr.log("trig/sin", rr.Scalar(sin(float(t) / 100.0)))
    rr.log("trig/cos", rr.Scalar(cos(float(t) / 100.0)))

def __init__(*, color=None, width=None, name=None, aggregation_policy=None)

Create a new instance of the SeriesLine archetype.


Color for the corresponding series.

TYPE: Rgba32Like | None DEFAULT: None


Stroke width for the corresponding series.

TYPE: StrokeWidthLike | None DEFAULT: None


Display name of the series.

Used in the legend.

TYPE: Utf8Like | None DEFAULT: None


Configures the zoom-dependent scalar aggregation.

This is done only if steps on the X axis go below a single pixel, i.e. a single pixel covers more than one tick worth of data. It can greatly improve performance (and readability) in such situations as it prevents overdraw.

TYPE: AggregationPolicyLike | None DEFAULT: None

class SeriesPoint

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: Define the style properties for a point series in a chart.

This archetype only provides styling information and should be logged as static when possible. The underlying data needs to be logged to the same entity-path using the Scalar archetype.

See Scalar

Point series:

from math import cos, sin, tau

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_series_point_style", spawn=True)

# Set up plot styling:
# They are logged as static as they don't change over time and apply to all timelines.
# Log two point series under a shared root so that they show in the same plot by default.
        color=[255, 0, 0],
        color=[0, 255, 0],

# Log the data on a timeline called "step".
for t in range(0, int(tau * 2 * 10.0)):
    rr.set_time_sequence("step", t)

    rr.log("trig/sin", rr.Scalar(sin(float(t) / 10.0)))
    rr.log("trig/cos", rr.Scalar(cos(float(t) / 10.0)))

def __init__(*, color=None, marker=None, name=None, marker_size=None)

Create a new instance of the SeriesPoint archetype.


Color for the corresponding series.

TYPE: Rgba32Like | None DEFAULT: None


What shape to use to represent the point

TYPE: MarkerShapeLike | None DEFAULT: None


Display name of the series.

Used in the legend.

TYPE: Utf8Like | None DEFAULT: None


Size of the marker.

TYPE: MarkerSizeLike | None DEFAULT: None

class Tensor

Bases: TensorExt, Archetype

Archetype: An N-dimensional array of numbers.

Simple tensor:

import numpy as np
import rerun as rr

tensor = np.random.randint(0, 256, (8, 6, 3, 5), dtype=np.uint8)  # 4-dimensional tensor

rr.init("rerun_example_tensor", spawn=True)

# Log the tensor, assigning names to each dimension
rr.log("tensor", rr.Tensor(tensor, dim_names=("width", "height", "channel", "batch")))

def __init__(data=None, *, dim_names=None)

Construct a Tensor archetype.

The Tensor archetype internally contains a single component: TensorData.

See the TensorData constructor for more advanced options to interpret buffers as TensorData of varying shapes.

For simple cases, you can pass array objects and optionally specify the names of the dimensions. The shape of the TensorData will be inferred from the array.


The TensorData object to construct.



A TensorData object, or type that can be converted to a numpy array.

TYPE: TensorDataLike | TensorLike | None DEFAULT: None


The names of the tensor dimensions when generating the shape from an array.

TYPE: Sequence[str | None] | None DEFAULT: None

class TextDocument

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: A text element intended to be displayed in its own text-box.

Supports raw text and markdown.

Markdown text document:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_text_document", spawn=True)

rr.log("text_document", rr.TextDocument("Hello, TextDocument!"))

# Hello Markdown!
[Click here to see the raw text](recording://markdown:Text).

Basic formatting:

| **Feature**       | **Alternative** |
| ----------------- | --------------- |
| Plain             |                 |
| *italics*         | _italics_       |
| **bold**          | __bold__        |
| ~~strikethrough~~ |                 |
| `inline code`     |                 |


## Support
- [x] [Commonmark]( support
- [x] GitHub-style strikethrough, tables, and checkboxes
- Basic syntax highlighting for:
  - [x] C and C++
  - [x] Python
  - [x] Rust
  - [ ] Other languages

## Links
You can link to [an entity](recording://markdown),
a [specific instance of an entity](recording://markdown[#0]),
or a [specific component](recording://markdown:Text).

Of course you can also have [normal https links](, e.g. <>.

## Image
![A random image](

def __init__(text, *, media_type=None)

Create a new instance of the TextDocument archetype.


Contents of the text document.

TYPE: Utf8Like


The Media Type of the text.

For instance: * text/plain * text/markdown

If omitted, text/plain is assumed.

TYPE: Utf8Like | None DEFAULT: None

class TextLog

Bases: Archetype

Archetype: A log entry in a text log, comprised of a text body and its log level.


import logging

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_text_log_integration", spawn=True)

# Log a text entry directly
rr.log("logs", rr.TextLog("this entry has loglevel TRACE", level=rr.TextLogLevel.TRACE))

# Or log via a logging handler
logging.getLogger().setLevel(-1)"This INFO log got added through the standard logging interface")

def __init__(text, *, level=None, color=None)

Create a new instance of the TextLog archetype.


The body of the message.

TYPE: Utf8Like


The verbosity level of the message.

This can be used to filter the log messages in the Rerun Viewer.

TYPE: Utf8Like | None DEFAULT: None


Optional color to use for the log line in the Rerun Viewer.

TYPE: Rgba32Like | None DEFAULT: None

class Transform3D

Bases: Transform3DExt, Archetype

Archetype: A 3D transform.

Variety of 3D transforms:

from math import pi

import rerun as rr
from rerun.datatypes import Angle, RotationAxisAngle

rr.init("rerun_example_transform3d", spawn=True)

arrow = rr.Arrows3D(origins=[0, 0, 0], vectors=[0, 1, 0])

rr.log("base", arrow)

rr.log("base/translated", rr.Transform3D(translation=[1, 0, 0]))
rr.log("base/translated", arrow)

        rotation=RotationAxisAngle(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=Angle(rad=pi / 4)),
rr.log("base/rotated_scaled", arrow)

def __init__(transform=None, *, translation=None, rotation=None, scale=None, mat3x3=None, from_parent=None, axis_length=None)

Create a new instance of the Transform3D archetype.


Transform using an existing Transform3D datatype object. If not provided, none of the other named parameters must be set.

TYPE: Transform3DLike | None DEFAULT: None


3D translation vector, applied last. Not compatible with transform.

TYPE: Vec3DLike | None DEFAULT: None


3D rotation, applied second. Not compatible with transform and mat3x3 parameters.

TYPE: Rotation3DLike | None DEFAULT: None


3D scale, applied last. Not compatible with transform and mat3x3 parameters.

TYPE: Scale3DLike | None DEFAULT: None


3x3 matrix representing scale and rotation, applied after translation. Not compatible with rotation and scale parameters. TODO(#3559): Support 4x4 and 4x3 matrices.

TYPE: Mat3x3Like | None DEFAULT: None


If true, the transform maps from the parent space to the space where the transform was logged. Otherwise, the transform maps from the space to its parent.

TYPE: bool | None DEFAULT: None


Visual length of the 3 axes.

The length is interpreted in the local coordinate system of the transform. If the transform is scaled, the axes will be scaled accordingly.

TYPE: float | None DEFAULT: None

class ViewCoordinates

Bases: ViewCoordinatesExt, Archetype

Archetype: How we interpret the coordinate system of an entity/space.

For instance: What is "up"? What does the Z axis mean? Is this right-handed or left-handed?

The three coordinates are always ordered as [x, y, z].

For example [Right, Down, Forward] means that the X axis points to the right, the Y axis points down, and the Z axis points forward.

View coordinates for adjusting the eye camera:

import rerun as rr

rr.init("rerun_example_view_coordinates", spawn=True)

rr.log("world", rr.ViewCoordinates.RIGHT_HAND_Z_UP, static=True)  # Set an up-axis
        vectors=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]],
        colors=[[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255]],

def __init__(xyz)

Create a new instance of the ViewCoordinates archetype.


The directions of the [x, y, z] axes.

TYPE: ViewCoordinatesLike