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class AnnotationContext

Bases: AnnotationContextExt

Component: The AnnotationContext provides additional information on how to display entities.

Entities can use ClassIds and KeypointIds to provide annotations, and the labels and colors will be looked up in the appropriate AnnotationContext. We use the first annotation context we find in the path-hierarchy when searching up through the ancestors of a given entity path.

def __init__(class_map)

Create a new instance of the AnnotationContext component.


List of class descriptions, mapping class indices to class names, colors etc.

TYPE: AnnotationContextLike

class Blob

Bases: BlobExt

Component: A binary blob of data.

def __init__(data)

Create a new instance of the Blob component.

class ClassId

Bases: ClassId

Component: A 16-bit ID representing a type of semantic class.

class ClearIsRecursive

Bases: ClearIsRecursiveExt

Component: Configures how a clear operation should behave - recursive or not?.

def __init__(recursive)

Create a new instance of the ClearIsRecursive component.


If true, also clears all recursive children entities.

TYPE: ClearIsRecursiveLike

class Color

Bases: Rgba32

Component: An RGBA color with unmultiplied/separate alpha, in sRGB gamma space with linear alpha.

The color is stored as a 32-bit integer, where the most significant byte is R and the least significant byte is A.

Float colors are assumed to be in 0-1 gamma sRGB space. All other colors are assumed to be in 0-255 gamma sRGB space. If there is an alpha, we assume it is in linear space, and separate (NOT pre-multiplied).

class DepthMeter

Bases: DepthMeterExt

Component: A component indicating how long a meter is, expressed in native units.

def __init__(value)

Create a new instance of the DepthMeter component.

class DisconnectedSpace

Bases: DisconnectedSpaceExt

Component: Specifies that the entity path at which this is logged is disconnected from its parent.

This is useful for specifying that a subgraph is independent of the rest of the scene.

If a transform or pinhole is logged on the same path, this component will be ignored.

def __init__(is_disconnected)

Create a new instance of the DisconnectedSpace component.

class DrawOrder

Bases: DrawOrderExt

Component: Draw order used for the display order of 2D elements.

Higher values are drawn on top of lower values. An entity can have only a single draw order component. Within an entity draw order is governed by the order of the components.

Draw order for entities with the same draw order is generally undefined.

def __init__(value)

Create a new instance of the DrawOrder component.

class HalfSizes2D

Bases: Vec2D

Component: Half-sizes (extents) of a 2D box along its local axis, starting at its local origin/center.

The box extends both in negative and positive direction along each axis. Negative sizes indicate that the box is flipped along the respective axis, but this has no effect on how it is displayed.

class HalfSizes3D

Bases: Vec3D

Component: Half-sizes (extents) of a 3D box along its local axis, starting at its local origin/center.

The box extends both in negative and positive direction along each axis. Negative sizes indicate that the box is flipped along the respective axis, but this has no effect on how it is displayed.

class InstanceKey

Bases: InstanceKeyExt

Component: A unique numeric identifier for each individual instance within a batch.

def __init__(value)

Create a new instance of the InstanceKey component.

class KeypointId

Bases: KeypointId

Component: A 16-bit ID representing a type of semantic keypoint within a class.

KeypointIds are only meaningful within the context of a [rerun.datatypes.ClassDescription].

Used to look up an [rerun.datatypes.AnnotationInfo] for a Keypoint within the [rerun.components.AnnotationContext].

class LineStrip2D

Bases: LineStrip2DExt

Component: A line strip in 2D space.

A line strip is a list of points connected by line segments. It can be used to draw approximations of smooth curves.

The points will be connected in order, like so:

       2------3     5
      /        \   /
0----1          \ /

def __init__(points)

Create a new instance of the LineStrip2D component.

class LineStrip3D

Bases: LineStrip3DExt

Component: A line strip in 3D space.

A line strip is a list of points connected by line segments. It can be used to draw approximations of smooth curves.

The points will be connected in order, like so:

       2------3     5
      /        \   /
0----1          \ /

def __init__(points)

Create a new instance of the LineStrip3D component.

class Material

Bases: Material

Component: Material properties of a mesh.

class MediaType

Bases: MediaTypeExt, Utf8

Component: A standardized media type (RFC2046, formerly known as MIME types), encoded as a utf8 string.

The complete reference of officially registered media types is maintained by the IANA and can be consulted at

class MeshProperties

Bases: MeshProperties

Component: Optional triangle indices for a mesh.

class OutOfTreeTransform3D

Bases: Transform3D

Component: An out-of-tree affine transform between two 3D spaces, represented in a given direction.

"Out-of-tree" means that the transform only affects its own entity: children don't inherit from it.

class PinholeProjection

Bases: Mat3x3

Component: Camera projection, from image coordinates to view coordinates.

Child from parent. Image coordinates from camera view coordinates.

1496.1     0.0  980.5
   0.0  1496.1  744.5
   0.0     0.0    1.0

class Position2D

Bases: Vec2D

Component: A position in 2D space.

class Position3D

Bases: Vec3D

Component: A position in 3D space.

class Radius

Bases: RadiusExt

Component: A Radius component.

def __init__(value)

Create a new instance of the Radius component.

class Resolution

Bases: Vec2D

Component: Pixel resolution width & height, e.g. of a camera sensor.

Typically in integer units, but for some use cases floating point may be used.

class Rotation3D

Bases: Rotation3D

Component: A 3D rotation, represented either by a quaternion or a rotation around axis.

class Scalar

Bases: ScalarExt

Component: A double-precision scalar.

Used for time series plots.

def __init__(value)

Create a new instance of the Scalar component.

class ScalarScattering

Bases: ScalarScatteringExt

Component: If true, a scalar will be shown as individual point in a scatter plot.

def __init__(scattered)

Create a new instance of the ScalarScattering component.

class TensorData

Bases: TensorData

Component: A multi-dimensional Tensor with optionally named arguments.

class Text

Bases: Utf8

Component: A string of text, e.g. for labels and text documents.

class TextLogLevel

Bases: TextLogLevelExt, Utf8

Component: The severity level of a text log message.

Recommended to be one of: * "CRITICAL" * "ERROR" * "WARN" * "INFO" * "DEBUG" * "TRACE"

class Transform3D

Bases: Transform3D

Component: An affine transform between two 3D spaces, represented in a given direction.

class Vector3D

Bases: Vec3D

Component: A vector in 3D space.

class ViewCoordinates

Bases: ViewCoordinatesExt

Component: How we interpret the coordinate system of an entity/space.

For instance: What is "up"? What does the Z axis mean? Is this right-handed or left-handed?

The three coordinates are always ordered as [x, y, z].

For example [Right, Down, Forward] means that the X axis points to the right, the Y axis points down, and the Z axis points forward.

The following constants are used to represent the different directions. Up = 1 Down = 2 Right = 3 Left = 4 Forward = 5 Back = 6

def __init__(coordinates)

Create a new instance of the ViewCoordinates component.


The directions of the [x, y, z] axes.

TYPE: ViewCoordinatesLike