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class AsComponents

Bases: Protocol

Describes interface for interpreting an object as a bundle of Components.

def as_component_batches()

Returns an iterable of ComponentBatchLike objects.

Each object in the iterable must adhere to the ComponentBatchLike interface.

class ComponentBatchLike

Bases: Protocol

Describes interface for objects that can be converted to batch of rerun Components.

def as_arrow_array()

Returns a pyarrow.Array of the component data.

def component_descriptor()

Returns the complete descriptor of the component.

class ComponentColumn

A column of components that can be sent using send_columns.

This is represented by a ComponentBatch array that has been repartitioned into multiple segments. This is useful for reinterpreting a single contiguous batch as multiple sub-batches to use with the send_columns API.

def __init__(component_batch, lengths)

Construct a new component column.


The component batch to partition into a column.

TYPE: ComponentBatchLike


The lengths of the partitions.

TYPE: ArrayLike

def as_arrow_array()

The component as an arrow batch.

Part of the ComponentBatchLike logging interface.

def component_descriptor()

Returns the complete descriptor of the component.

Part of the ComponentBatchLike logging interface.