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Getting Started



Function Description
rerun.init() Initialize the Rerun SDK with a user-chosen application id (name).
rerun.connect() Connect to a remote Rerun Viewer on the given ip:port.
rerun.disconnect() Disconnect from the remote rerun server (if any).
rerun.spawn() Spawn a Rerun Viewer, listening on the given port.
rerun.serve() Serve a Rerun Web Viewer.

Viewer Control

Function Description
rerun.set_recording_id() Set the recording ID that this process is logging to, as a UUIDv4. Save previously logged data to a file.


Function Description
rerun.set_time_sequence() Set the current time for this thread as an integer sequence.
rerun.set_time_seconds() Set the current time for this thread in seconds.
rerun.set_time_nanos() Set the current time for this thread.

Spatial Primitives

Function Description
rerun.log_point() Log a 2D or 3D point, with a positions and optional colors, radii, label, etc.
rerun.log_points() Log 2D or 3D points, with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc.
rerun.log_rect() Log a 2D rectangle.
rerun.log_rects() Log multiple 2D rectangles.
rerun.log_obb() Log a 3D Oriented Bounding Box, or OBB.
rerun.log_line_strip() Log a line strip through 3D space.
rerun.log_line_segments() Log many 2D or 3D line segments.
rerun.log_arrow() Log a 3D arrow.
rerun.log_mesh() Log a raw 3D mesh by specifying its vertex positions, and optionally indices, normals and albedo factor.
rerun.log_meshes() Log multiple raw 3D meshes by specifying their different buffers and albedo factors.
rerun.log_mesh_file() Log the contents of a mesh file (.gltf, .glb, .obj, …).


Function Description
rerun.log_image() Log a gray or color image.
rerun.log_image_file() Log an image file given its contents or path on disk.
rerun.log_depth_image() Log a depth image.
rerun.log_segmentation_image() Log an image made up of integer class-ids.


Function Description
rerun.log_tensor() Log an n-dimensional tensor.


Function Description
rerun.log_annotation_context() Log an annotation context made up of a collection of ClassDescriptions.

Extension Components

Function Description
rerun.log_extension_components() Log an arbitrary collection of extension components.


Function Description
rerun.log_scalar() Log a double-precision scalar that will be visualized as a timeseries plot.


Function Description
rerun.log_rigid3() Log a proper rigid 3D transform between this entity and the parent.
rerun.log_pinhole() Log a perspective camera model.
rerun.log_unknown_transform() Log that this entity is NOT in the same space as the parent, but you do not (yet) know how they relate.
rerun.log_view_coordinates() Log the view coordinates for an entity.


Function Description
rerun.log_text_entry() Log a text entry, with optional level.


Function Description
rerun.script_add_args() Add common Rerun script arguments to parser.
rerun.script_setup() Run common Rerun script setup actions. Connect to the viewer if necessary.
rerun.script_teardown() Run common post-actions. Sleep if serving the web viewer.


You can set RUST_LOG=debug before running your Python script and/or rerun process to get some verbose logging output.

If you run into any issues don't hesitate to open a ticket or join our Discord.