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def log_point(entity_path, position=None, *, radius=None, color=None, label=None, class_id=None, keypoint_id=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a 2D or 3D point, with a positions and optional colors, radii, label, etc.

Logging again to the same entity_path will replace the previous point.

Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA. You can supply no colors, one color, or one color per point in a Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array.

Supported dtypes for color:
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • float32/float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the point in the space hierarchy.

position Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

2x1 or 3x1 array.

radius Optional[float]

Optional radius (make it a sphere).

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

Optional color of the point.

label Optional[str]

Optional text to show with the point.

class_id Optional[int]

Optional class id for the point. The class id provides color and label if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

keypoint_id Optional[int]

Optional key point id for the point, identifying it within a class. If keypoint_id is passed but no class_id was specified, class_id will be set to 0. This is useful to identify points within a single classification (which is identified with class_id). E.g. the classification might be 'Person' and the keypoints refer to joints on a detected skeleton. See rerun.log_annotation_context

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the point will be timeless (default: False).


def log_points(entity_path, positions=None, *, identifiers=None, colors=None, radii=None, labels=None, class_ids=None, keypoint_ids=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log 2D or 3D points, with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc.

Logging again to the same entity_path will replace all the previous points.

Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA. You can supply no colors, one color, or one color per point in a Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array.

Supported dtypes for colors:
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • float32/float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the points in the space hierarchy.

positions Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Nx2 or Nx3 array

identifiers Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Unique numeric id that shows up when you hover or select the point.

colors Optional[Union[Color, Colors]]

Optional colors of the points.

radii Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional radii (make it a sphere).

labels Optional[Sequence[str]]

Optional per-point text to show with the points

class_ids OptionalClassIds

Optional class ids for the points. The class id provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

keypoint_ids OptionalKeyPointIds

Optional key point ids for the points, identifying them within a class. If keypoint_ids are passed in but no class_ids were specified, class_id will be set to 0. This is useful to identify points within a single classification (which is identified with class_id). E.g. the classification might be 'Person' and the keypoints refer to joints on a detected skeleton. See rerun.log_annotation_context

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the points will be timeless (default: False).
