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The Rerun Python SDK, which is a wrapper around the re_sdk crate.

def log_pinhole(entity_path, *, child_from_parent, width, height, timeless=False)

Log a perspective camera model.

This logs the pinhole model that projects points from the parent (camera) space to this space (image) such that:

point_image_hom = child_from_parent * point_cam
point_image = point_image_hom[:,1] / point_image_hom[2]

Where point_image_hom is the projected point in the image space expressed in homogeneous coordinates.

width = 640
height = 480
u_cen = width / 2
v_cen = height / 2
f_len = (height * width) ** 0.5

                  child_from_parent = [[f_len, 0,     u_c],
                                       [0,     f_len, v_c],
                                       [0,     0,     1  ]],
                  width = width,
                  height = height)


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the child (image) space in the space hierarchy.

child_from_parent npt.ArrayLike

Row-major intrinsics matrix for projecting from camera space to image space.

width int

Width of the image in pixels.

height int

Height of the image in pixels.

timeless bool

If true, the camera will be timeless (default: False).


def log_mesh(entity_path, positions, *, indices=None, normals=None, albedo_factor=None, timeless=False)

Log a raw 3D mesh by specifying its vertex positions, and optionally indices, normals and albedo factor.

The data is always interpreted as a triangle list:

  • positions is a (potentially flattened) array of 3D points, i.e. the total number of elements must be divisible by 3.
  • indices, if specified, is a flattened array of indices that describe the mesh's faces, i.e. its length must be divisible by 3.
  • normals, if specified, is a (potentially flattened) array of 3D vectors that describe the normal for each vertex, i.e. the total number of elements must be divisible by 3 and more importantly, len(normals) should be equal to len(positions).
  • albedo_factor, if specified, is either a linear, unmultiplied, normalized RGB (vec3) or RGBA (vec4) value.
# A simple red triangle:
    positions = [
        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    indices = [0, 1, 2],
    normals = [
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    albedo_factor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the mesh in the space hierarchy

positions npt.ArrayLike

An array of 3D points

indices Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional array of indices that describe the mesh's faces

normals Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional array of 3D vectors that describe the normal of each vertices

albedo_factor Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional RGB(A) color for the albedo factor of the mesh, aka base color factor.

timeless bool

If true, the mesh will be timeless (default: False)


def log_image(entity_path, image, *, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a gray or color image.

The image should either have 1, 3 or 4 channels (gray, RGB or RGBA).

Supported dtypes
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • uint16: color components should be in 0-65535 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-65535 linear space.
  • float32, float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the image in the space hierarchy.

image Tensor

A Tensor representing the image to log.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the image will be timeless (default: False).


def log_scalar(entity_path, scalar, label=None, color=None, radius=None, scattered=None, ext=None)

Log a double-precision scalar that will be visualized as a timeseries plot.

The current simulation time will be used for the time/X-axis, hence scalars cannot be timeless!

See here for a larger example.

Understanding the plot and attributes hierarchy

Timeseries come in three parts: points, lines and finally the plots themselves. As a user of the Rerun SDK, your one and only entrypoint into that hierarchy is through the lowest-level layer: the points.

When logging scalars and their attributes (label, color, radius, scattered) through this function, Rerun will turn them into points with similar attributes. From these points, lines with appropriate attributes can then be inferred; and from these inferred lines, plots with appropriate attributes will be inferred in turn!

In terms of actual hierarchy:

  • Each space represents a single plot.
  • Each entity path within a space that contains scalar data is a line within that plot.
  • Each logged scalar is a point.

E.g. the following:

rerun.log_scalar("trig/sin", math.sin(t), label="sin(t)", color=[255, 0, 0])
rerun.log_scalar("trig/cos", math.cos(t), label="cos(t)", color=[0, 0, 255])
will yield a single plot (space = trig), comprised of two lines (entity paths trig/sin and trig/cos).


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

The path to the scalar in the space hierarchy.

scalar float

The scalar value to log.

label Optional[str]

An optional label for the point.

This won't show up on points at the moment, as our plots don't yet support displaying labels for individual points TODO( If all points within a single entity path (i.e. a line) share the same label, then this label will be used as the label for the line itself. Otherwise, the line will be named after the entity path. The plot itself is named after the space it's in.

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

An optional color in the form of a RGB or RGBA triplet in 0-255 sRGB.

If left unspecified, a pseudo-random color will be used instead. That same color will apply to all points residing in the same entity path that don't have a color specified.

Points within a single line do not have to share the same color, the line will have differently colored segments as appropriate. If all points within a single entity path (i.e. a line) share the same color, then this color will be used as the line color in the plot legend. Otherwise, the line will appear grey in the legend.

radius Optional[float]

An optional radius for the point.

Points within a single line do not have to share the same radius, the line will have differently sized segments as appropriate.

If all points within a single entity path (i.e. a line) share the same radius, then this radius will be used as the line width too. Otherwise, the line will use the default width of 1.0.

scattered Optional[bool]

Specifies whether the point should form a continuous line with its neighbors, or whether it should stand on its own, akin to a scatter plot. Points within a single line do not have to all share the same scatteredness: the line will switch between a scattered and a continuous representation as required.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components


def log_arrow(entity_path, origin, vector=None, *, color=None, label=None, width_scale=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a 3D arrow.

An arrow is defined with an origin, and a vector. This can also be considered as start and end positions for the arrow.

The shaft is rendered as a cylinder with radius = 0.5 * width_scale. The tip is rendered as a cone with height = 2.0 * width_scale and radius = 1.0 * width_scale.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

The path to store the entity at.

origin Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

The base position of the arrow.

vector Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

The vector along which the arrow will be drawn.

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

An optional RGB or RGBA triplet in 0-255 sRGB.

label Optional[str]

An optional text to show beside the arrow.

width_scale Optional[float]

An optional scaling factor, default=1.0.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

The entity is not time-dependent, and will be visible at any time point.


def log_view_coordinates(entity_path, *, xyz='', up='', right_handed=None, timeless=False)

Log the view coordinates for an entity.

Each entity defines its own coordinate system, called a space. By logging view coordinates you can give semantic meaning to the XYZ axes of the space. This is for example useful for camera entities ("what axis is forward?").

For full control, set the xyz parameter to a three-letter acronym (xyz="RDF"). Each letter represents:

  • R: Right
  • L: Left
  • U: Up
  • D: Down
  • F: Forward
  • B: Back

Some of the most common are:

  • "RDF": X=Right Y=Down Z=Forward (right-handed)
  • "RUB" X=Right Y=Up Z=Back (right-handed)
  • "RDB": X=Right Y=Down Z=Back (left-handed)
  • "RUF": X=Right Y=Up Z=Forward (left-handed)
rerun.log_view_coordinates("world/camera", xyz="RUB")

For world-coordinates it's often convenient to just specify an up-axis. You can do so by using the up-parameter (where up is one of "+X", "-X", "+Y", "-Y", "+Z", "-Z"):

rerun.log_view_coordinates("world", up="+Z", right_handed=True, timeless=True)
rerun.log_view_coordinates("world", up="-Y", right_handed=False, timeless=True)


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path in the space hierarchy where the view coordinate will be set.

xyz str

Three-letter acronym for the view coordinate axes.

up str

Which axis is up? One of "+X", "-X", "+Y", "-Y", "+Z", "-Z".

right_handed Optional[bool]

If True, the coordinate system is right-handed. If False, it is left-handed.

timeless bool

If true, the view coordinates will be timeless (default: False).


def log_obb(entity_path, half_size, position=None, rotation_q=None, color=None, stroke_width=None, label=None, class_id=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a 3D Oriented Bounding Box, or OBB.

rr.log_obb("my_obb", half_size=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], position=[0, 0, 0], rotation_q=[0, 0, 0, 1])


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

The path to the oriented bounding box in the space hierarchy.

half_size Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Array with [x, y, z] half dimensions of the OBB.

position Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional array with [x, y, z] position of the OBB in world space.

rotation_q Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional array with quaternion coordinates [x, y, z, w] for the rotation from model to world space.

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

Optional RGB or RGBA triplet in 0-255 sRGB.

stroke_width Optional[float]

Optional width of the line edges.

label Optional[str]

Optional text label placed at position.

class_id Optional[int]

Optional class id for the OBB. The class id provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the bounding box will be timeless (default: False).


def script_add_args(parser)

Add common Rerun script arguments to parser.


Name Type Description Default
parser ArgumentParser

The parser to add arguments to.


def log_rect(entity_path, rect, *, rect_format=RectFormat.XYWH, color=None, label=None, class_id=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a 2D rectangle.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the rectangle in the space hierarchy.

rect Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

the rectangle in [x, y, w, h], or some format you pick with the rect_format argument.

rect_format RectFormat

how to interpret the rect argument

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

Optional RGB or RGBA triplet in 0-255 sRGB.

label Optional[str]

Optional text to show inside the rectangle.

class_id Optional[int]

Optional class id for the rectangle. The class id provides color and label if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the rect will be timeless (default: False).


def log_point(entity_path, position=None, *, radius=None, color=None, label=None, class_id=None, keypoint_id=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a 2D or 3D point, with a positions and optional colors, radii, label, etc.

Logging again to the same entity_path will replace the previous point.

Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA. You can supply no colors, one color, or one color per point in a Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array.

Supported dtypes for color:
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • float32/float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the point in the space hierarchy.

position Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

2x1 or 3x1 array.

radius Optional[float]

Optional radius (make it a sphere).

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

Optional color of the point.

label Optional[str]

Optional text to show with the point.

class_id Optional[int]

Optional class id for the point. The class id provides color and label if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

keypoint_id Optional[int]

Optional key point id for the point, identifying it within a class. If keypoint_id is passed but no class_id was specified, class_id will be set to 0. This is useful to identify points within a single classification (which is identified with class_id). E.g. the classification might be 'Person' and the keypoints refer to joints on a detected skeleton. See rerun.log_annotation_context

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the point will be timeless (default: False).


def log_line_strip(entity_path, positions, *, stroke_width=None, color=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a line strip through 2D or 3D space.

A line strip is a list of points connected by line segments. It can be used to draw approximations of smooth curves.

The points will be connected in order, like so:

       2------3     5
      /        \   /
0----1          \ /


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the path in the space hierarchy

positions Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

An Nx2 or Nx3 array of points along the path.

stroke_width Optional[float]

Optional width of the line.

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

Optional RGB or RGBA triplet in 0-255 sRGB.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the path will be timeless (default: False).


def log_tensor(entity_path, tensor, *, names=None, meter=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log an n-dimensional tensor.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the tensor in the space hierarchy.

tensor npt.ArrayLike

A Tensor object.

names Optional[Iterable[Optional[str]]]

Optional names for each dimension of the tensor.

meter Optional[float]

Optional scale of the tensor (e.g. meters per cell).

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the tensor will be timeless (default: False).


def log_mesh_file(entity_path, mesh_format, mesh_file, *, transform=None, timeless=False)

Log the contents of a mesh file (.gltf, .glb, .obj, …).

transform is an optional 3x4 affine transform matrix applied to the mesh.

# Move mesh 10 units along the X axis.
    [1, 0, 0, 10],
    [0, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0]])


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the mesh in the space hierarchy

mesh_format MeshFormat

Format of the mesh file

mesh_file bytes

Contents of the mesh file

transform Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional 3x4 affine transform matrix applied to the mesh

timeless bool

If true, the mesh will be timeless (default: False)


def script_setup(args, application_id)

Run common Rerun script setup actions. Connect to the viewer if necessary.


Name Type Description Default
args Namespace

The parsed arguments from parser.parse_args().

application_id str

The application ID to use for the viewer.


def log_extension_components(entity_path, ext, *, identifiers=None, timeless=False)

Log an arbitrary collection of extension components.

Each item in ext will be logged as a separate component.

  • The key will be used as the name of the component
  • The value must be able to be converted to an array of arrow types. In general, if you can pass it to pyarrow.array, you can log it as a extension component.

All values must either have the same length, or be singular in which case they will be treated as a splat.

Extension components will be prefixed with "ext." to avoid collisions with rerun native components. You do not need to include this prefix; it will be added for you.

Note: rerun requires that a given component only take on a single type. The first type logged will be the type that is used for all future logs of that component. The API will make a best effort to do type conversion if supported by numpy and arrow. Any components that can't be converted will be dropped.

If you are want to inspect how your component will be converted to the underlying arrow code, the following snippet is what is happening internally:

np_value = np.atleast_1d(np.array(value, copy=False))
pa_value = pa.array(value)


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the extension components in the space hierarchy.

ext Dict[str, Any]

A dictionary of extension components.

identifiers Optional[Sequence[int]]

Optional identifiers for each component. If provided, must be the same length as the components.

timeless bool

If true, the components will be timeless (default: False).


def log_text_entry(entity_path, text, *, level=LogLevel.INFO, color=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a text entry, with optional level.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

The object path to log the text entry under.

text str

The text to log.

level Optional[str]

The level of the text entry (default: LogLevel.INFO). Note this can technically be an arbitrary string, but it's recommended to use one of the constants from LogLevel

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

Optional RGB or RGBA triplet in 0-255 sRGB.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

Whether the text entry should be timeless.


def log_annotation_context(entity_path, class_descriptions, *, timeless=True)

Log an annotation context made up of a collection of ClassDescriptions.

Any entity needing to access the annotation context will find it by searching the path upward. If all entities share the same you can simply log it to the root ("/"), or if you want a per-entity ClassDescriptions log it to the same path as your entity.

Each ClassDescription must include an annotation info with an id, which will be used for matching the class and may optionally include a label and color. Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA.

These can either be specified verbosely as:

[AnnotationInfo(id=23, label='foo', color=(255, 0, 0)), ...]

Or using short-hand tuples.

[(23, 'bar'), ...]

Unspecified colors will be filled in by the visualizer randomly.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

The path to the annotation context in the space hierarchy.

class_descriptions Union[ClassDescriptionLike, Iterable[ClassDescriptionLike]]

A single ClassDescription or a collection of ClassDescriptions.

timeless bool

If true, the annotation context will be timeless (default: True).


def log_depth_image(entity_path, image, *, meter=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log a depth image.

The image must be a 2D array.

Supported dtypes

uint8, uint16, float32, float64


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the image in the space hierarchy.

image Tensor

A Tensor representing the depth image to log.

meter Optional[float]

How long is a meter in the given dtype? For instance: with uint16, perhaps meter=1000 which would mean you have millimeter precision and a range of up to ~65 meters (2^16 / 1000).

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the image will be timeless (default: False).


def get_recording_id()

Get the recording ID that this process is logging to, as a UUIDv4.

The default recording_id is based on multiprocessing.current_process().authkey which means that all processes spawned with multiprocessing will have the same default recording_id.

If you are not using multiprocessing and still want several different Python processes to log to the same Rerun instance (and be part of the same recording), you will need to manually assign them all the same recording_id. Any random UUIDv4 will work, or copy the recording id for the parent process.


Type Description

The recording ID that this process is logging to.

def log_cleared(entity_path, *, recursive=False)

Indicate that an entity at a given path should no longer be displayed.

If recursive is True this will also clear all sub-paths

def script_teardown(args)

Run common post-actions. Sleep if serving the web viewer.


Name Type Description Default
args Namespace

The parsed arguments from parser.parse_args().


def log_meshes(entity_path, position_buffers, *, index_buffers, normal_buffers, albedo_factors, timeless=False)

Log multiple raw 3D meshes by specifying their different buffers and albedo factors.

To learn more about how the data within these buffers is interpreted and laid out, refer to log_mesh's documentation.

  • If specified, index_buffers must have the same length as position_buffers.
  • If specified, normal_buffers must have the same length as position_buffers.
  • If specified, albedo_factors must have the same length as position_buffers.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the mesh in the space hierarchy

position_buffers Sequence[npt.ArrayLike]

A sequence of position buffers, one for each mesh.

index_buffers Sequence[Optional[npt.ArrayLike]]

An optional sequence of index buffers, one for each mesh.

normal_buffers Sequence[Optional[npt.ArrayLike]]

An optional sequence of normal buffers, one for each mesh.

albedo_factors Sequence[Optional[npt.ArrayLike]]

An optional sequence of albedo factors, one for each mesh.

timeless bool

If true, the mesh will be timeless (default: False)


def log_image_file(entity_path, *, img_bytes=None, img_path=None, img_format=None, timeless=False)

Log an image file given its contents or path on disk.

Only JPEGs are supported right now.

You must pass either img_bytes or img_path.

If no img_format is specified, we will try and guess it.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the image in the space hierarchy.

img_bytes Optional[bytes]

Content of an image file, e.g. a .jpg.

img_path Optional[Path]

Path to an image file, e.g. a .jpg.

img_format Optional[ImageFormat]

Format of the image file.

timeless bool

If true, the image will be timeless (default: False).


def log_unknown_transform(entity_path, timeless=False)

Log that this entity is NOT in the same space as the parent, but you do not (yet) know how they relate.

def log_rects(entity_path, rects, *, rect_format=RectFormat.XYWH, identifiers=None, colors=None, labels=None, class_ids=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log multiple 2D rectangles.

Logging again to the same entity_path will replace all the previous rectangles.

Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA. You can supply no colors, one color, or one color per point in a Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array.

Supported dtypes for colors:
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • float32/float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the rectangles in the space hierarchy.

rects Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Nx4 numpy array, where each row is [x, y, w, h], or some format you pick with the rect_format argument.

rect_format RectFormat

how to interpret the rect argument

identifiers Optional[Sequence[int]]

Unique numeric id that shows up when you hover or select the point.

colors Optional[Union[Color, Colors]]

Optional per-rectangle RGB or RGBA triplet in 0-255 sRGB.

labels Optional[Sequence[str]]

Optional per-rectangle text to show inside the rectangle.

class_ids OptionalClassIds

Optional class ids for the rectangles. The class id provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the rects will be timeless (default: False).


def log_rigid3(entity_path, *, parent_from_child=None, child_from_parent=None, xyz='', timeless=False)

Log a proper rigid 3D transform between this entity and the parent.

Set either parent_from_child or child_from_parent to a tuple of (translation_xyz, quat_xyzw).


Also known as pose (e.g. camera extrinsics).

The translation is the position of the entity in the parent space. The resulting transform from child to parent corresponds to taking a point in the child space, rotating it by the given rotations, and then translating it by the given translation:

point_parent = translation + quat * point_child * quat*

t = 0.0
translation = [math.sin(t), math.cos(t), 0.0] # circle around origin
rotation = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0, np.sin(np.pi/3)] # 60 degrees around x-axis
rerun.log_rigid3("sun/planet", parent_from_child=(translation, rotation))


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path of the child space in the space hierarchy.

parent_from_child Optional[Tuple[npt.ArrayLike, npt.ArrayLike]]

A tuple of (translation_xyz, quat_xyzw) mapping points in the child space to the parent space.

child_from_parent Optional[Tuple[npt.ArrayLike, npt.ArrayLike]]

the inverse of parent_from_child

xyz str

Optionally set the view coordinates of this entity, e.g. to RDF for X=Right, Y=Down, Z=Forward. This is a convenience for also calling log_view_coordinates.

timeless bool

If true, the transform will be timeless (default: False).


def set_recording_id(value)

Set the recording ID that this process is logging to, as a UUIDv4.

The default recording_id is based on multiprocessing.current_process().authkey which means that all processes spawned with multiprocessing will have the same default recording_id.

If you are not using multiprocessing and still want several different Python processes to log to the same Rerun instance (and be part of the same recording), you will need to manually assign them all the same recording_id. Any random UUIDv4 will work, or copy the recording id for the parent process.


Name Type Description Default
value str

The recording ID to use for this process.


def log_line_segments(entity_path, positions, *, stroke_width=None, color=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log many 2D or 3D line segments.

The points will be connected in even-odd pairs, like so:

       2------3     5
0----1            /


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the line segments in the space hierarchy

positions npt.ArrayLike

An Nx2 or Nx3 array of points. Even-odd pairs will be connected as segments.

stroke_width Optional[float]

Optional width of the line.

color Optional[Sequence[int]]

Optional RGB or RGBA triplet in 0-255 sRGB.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the line segments will be timeless (default: False).


def init(application_id, spawn=False, default_enabled=True, strict=False)

Initialize the Rerun SDK with a user-chosen application id (name).


Name Type Description Default
application_id str

Your Rerun recordings will be categorized by this application id, so try to pick a unique one for each application that uses the Rerun SDK.

For example, if you have one application doing object detection and another doing camera calibration, you could have rerun.init("object_detector") and rerun.init("calibrator").

spawn bool

Spawn a Rerun Viewer and stream logging data to it. Short for calling spawn separately. If you don't call this, log events will be buffered indefinitely until you call either connect, show, or save

default_enabled bool

Should Rerun logging be on by default? Can overridden with the RERUN env-var, e.g. RERUN=on or RERUN=off.

strict bool

If True, an exceptions is raised on use error (wrong parameter types etc). If False, errors are logged as warnings instead.


def log_points(entity_path, positions=None, *, identifiers=None, colors=None, radii=None, labels=None, class_ids=None, keypoint_ids=None, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log 2D or 3D points, with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc.

Logging again to the same entity_path will replace all the previous points.

Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA. You can supply no colors, one color, or one color per point in a Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array.

Supported dtypes for colors:
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • float32/float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the points in the space hierarchy.

positions Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Nx2 or Nx3 array

identifiers Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Unique numeric id that shows up when you hover or select the point.

colors Optional[Union[Color, Colors]]

Optional colors of the points.

radii Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional radii (make it a sphere).

labels Optional[Sequence[str]]

Optional per-point text to show with the points

class_ids OptionalClassIds

Optional class ids for the points. The class id provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

keypoint_ids OptionalKeyPointIds

Optional key point ids for the points, identifying them within a class. If keypoint_ids are passed in but no class_ids were specified, class_id will be set to 0. This is useful to identify points within a single classification (which is identified with class_id). E.g. the classification might be 'Person' and the keypoints refer to joints on a detected skeleton. See rerun.log_annotation_context

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the points will be timeless (default: False).


def log_segmentation_image(entity_path, image, *, ext=None, timeless=False)

Log an image made up of integer class-ids.

The image should have 1 channel, i.e. be either H x W or H x W x 1.

See: rerun.log_annotation_context for information on how to map the class-ids to colors and labels.

Supported dtypes

uint8, uint16


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the image in the space hierarchy.

image npt.ArrayLike

A Tensor representing the segmentation image to log.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the image will be timeless (default: False).


def is_enabled()

Is the Rerun SDK enabled.

If false, all calls to the rerun library are ignored.

The default can be set in rerun.init, but is otherwise True.

This can be controlled with the environment variable RERUN, (e.g. RERUN=on or RERUN=off) and with [set_enabled].

def set_enabled(enabled)

Enable or disable logging.

If false, all calls to the rerun library are ignored. The default is True.

This is a global setting that affects all threads.

By default logging is enabled, but can be controlled with the environment variable RERUN, (e.g. RERUN=on or RERUN=off).

The default can be set in rerun.init.


Name Type Description Default
enabled bool

Whether to enable or disable logging.


def strict_mode()

Strict mode enabled.

In strict mode, incorrect use of the Rerun API (wrong parameter types etc.) will result in exception being raised. When strict mode is on, such problems are instead logged as warnings.

The default is OFF.

def set_strict_mode(strict_mode)

Turn strict mode on/off.

In strict mode, incorrect use of the Rerun API (wrong parameter types etc.) will result in exception being raised. When strict mode is off, such problems are instead logged as warnings.

The default is OFF.

def connect(addr=None)

Connect to a remote Rerun Viewer on the given ip:port.

Requires that you first start a Rerun Viewer, e.g. with 'python -m rerun'

This function returns immediately.


Name Type Description Default
addr Optional[str]

The ip:port to connect to


def spawn(port=9876, connect=True)

Spawn a Rerun Viewer, listening on the given port.

This is often the easiest and best way to use Rerun. Just call this once at the start of your program.

You can also call rerun.init with a spawn=True argument.


Name Type Description Default
port int

The port to listen on.

connect bool

also connect to the viewer and stream logging data to it.


def serve(open_browser=True)

Serve log-data over WebSockets and serve a Rerun web viewer over HTTP.

You can connect to this server using python -m rerun.

WARNING: This is an experimental feature.

This function returns immediately.


Name Type Description Default
open_browser bool

Open the default browser to the viewer.


def disconnect()

Closes all TCP connections, servers, and files.

Closes all TCP connections, servers, and files that have been opened with [rerun.connect], [rerun.serve], [] or [rerun.spawn].

def save(path)

Save previously logged data to a file.

This only works if you have not called connect.


Name Type Description Default
path str

The path to save the data to.


def set_time_sequence(timeline, sequence)

Set the current time for this thread as an integer sequence.

Used for all subsequent logging on the same thread, until the next call to set_time_sequence.

For example: set_time_sequence("frame_nr", frame_nr).

You can remove a timeline again using set_time_sequence("frame_nr", None).

There is no requirement of monotonicity. You can move the time backwards if you like.


Name Type Description Default
timeline str

The name of the timeline to set the time for.

sequence int

The current time on the timeline in integer units.


def set_time_seconds(timeline, seconds)

Set the current time for this thread in seconds.

Used for all subsequent logging on the same thread, until the next call to rerun.set_time_seconds or rerun.set_time_nanos.

For example: set_time_seconds("capture_time", seconds_since_unix_epoch).

You can remove a timeline again using set_time_seconds("capture_time", None).

Very large values will automatically be interpreted as seconds since unix epoch (1970-01-01). Small values (less than a few years) will be interpreted as relative some unknown point in time, and will be shown as e.g. +3.132s.

The bindings has a built-in time which is log_time, and is logged as seconds since unix epoch.

There is no requirement of monotonicity. You can move the time backwards if you like.


Name Type Description Default
timeline str

The name of the timeline to set the time for.

seconds float

The current time on the timeline in seconds.


def set_time_nanos(timeline, nanos)

Set the current time for this thread.

Used for all subsequent logging on the same thread, until the next call to rerun.set_time_nanos or rerun.set_time_seconds.

For example: set_time_nanos("capture_time", nanos_since_unix_epoch).

You can remove a timeline again using set_time_nanos("capture_time", None).

Very large values will automatically be interpreted as nanoseconds since unix epoch (1970-01-01). Small values (less than a few years) will be interpreted as relative some unknown point in time, and will be shown as e.g. +3.132s.

The bindings has a built-in time which is log_time, and is logged as nanos since unix epoch.

There is no requirement of monotonicity. You can move the time backwards if you like.


Name Type Description Default
timeline str

The name of the timeline to set the time for.

nanos int

The current time on the timeline in nanoseconds.
