Module re_sdk::external::arrow::compute::kernels::sort

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Defines sort kernel for ArrayRef


  • A lexicographical comparator that wraps given array data (columns) and can lexicographically compare data at given two indices. The lifetime is the same at the data wrapped.
  • One column to be used in lexicographical sort
  • Options that define the sort order of a given column


  • Sort a list of ArrayRef using SortOptions provided for each array.
  • Sort elements lexicographically from a list of ArrayRef into an unsigned integer (UInt32Array) of indices.
  • It’s unstable_sort, may not preserve the order of equal elements
  • Sort the ArrayRef using SortOptions.
  • Sort the ArrayRef partially.
  • Sort elements from ArrayRef into an unsigned integer (UInt32Array) of indices. Floats are sorted using IEEE 754 totalOrder. limit is an option for partial_sort.