use std::{
io::{ErrorKind, Read as _},
net::{TcpListener, TcpStream},
use rand::{Rng as _, SeedableRng};
use re_log_types::{LogMsg, TimePoint, TimeType, TimelineName};
use re_smart_channel::{Receiver, Sender};
use crate::{ConnectionError, VersionError};
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum ServerError {
#[error("Failed to bind TCP address {bind_addr:?}. Another Rerun instance is probably running. {err}")]
TcpBindError {
bind_addr: String,
err: std::io::Error,
FailedToSpawnThread(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ServerOptions {
pub max_latency_sec: f32,
pub quiet: bool,
impl Default for ServerOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
max_latency_sec: f32::INFINITY,
quiet: false,
pub fn serve(
bind_ip: &str,
port: u16,
options: ServerOptions,
) -> Result<Receiver<LogMsg>, ServerError> {
let (tx, rx) = re_smart_channel::smart_channel(
re_smart_channel::SmartChannelSource::TcpServer { port },
let bind_addr = format!("{bind_ip}:{port}");
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&bind_addr).map_err(|err| ServerError::TcpBindError {
bind_addr: bind_addr.clone(),
.name("rerun_sdk_comms: listener".to_owned())
.spawn(move || {
listen_for_new_clients(&listener, options, &tx);
if options.quiet {
"Hosting a SDK server over TCP at {bind_addr}. Connect with the Rerun logging SDK."
} else {
"Hosting a SDK server over TCP at {bind_addr}. Connect with the Rerun logging SDK."
fn listen_for_new_clients(listener: &TcpListener, options: ServerOptions, tx: &Sender<LogMsg>) {
loop {
match listener.accept() {
Ok((stream, _)) => {
let addr = stream.peer_addr().ok();
let tx = tx.clone_as(re_smart_channel::SmartMessageSource::TcpClient { addr });
.name("rerun_sdk_comms: client".to_owned())
.spawn(move || {
spawn_client(stream, &tx, options, addr);
Err(err) => {
if cfg!(target_os = "windows") {
const WSANOTINITIALISED: i32 = 10093;
const WSAEINTR: i32 = 10004;
if let Some(raw_os_error) = err.raw_os_error() {
match raw_os_error {
_ => {}
re_log::warn!("Failed to accept incoming SDK client: {err}");
fn spawn_client(
stream: TcpStream,
tx: &Sender<LogMsg>,
options: ServerOptions,
peer_addr: Option<std::net::SocketAddr>,
) {
let addr_string = peer_addr.map_or_else(|| "(unknown ip)".to_owned(), |addr| addr.to_string());
if let Err(err) = run_client(stream, &addr_string, tx, options) {
if let ConnectionError::SendError(err) = &err {
if err.kind() == ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof {
tx.quit(None).ok(); return;
if matches!(&err, ConnectionError::UnknownClient) {
"Rejected incoming connection from unknown client at {addr_string}: {err}"
} else {
re_log::warn_once!("Closing connection to client at {addr_string}: {err}");
let err: Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static> = err.into();
tx.quit(Some(err)).ok(); }
fn run_client(
mut stream: TcpStream,
addr_string: &str,
tx: &Sender<LogMsg>,
options: ServerOptions,
) -> Result<(), ConnectionError> {
#![allow(clippy::read_zero_byte_vec)] let mut client_version = [0_u8; 2];
stream.read_exact(&mut client_version)?;
let client_version = u16::from_le_bytes(client_version);
if client_version == crate::PROTOCOL_VERSION_0 {
re_log::warn!("Client is using an old protocol version from before 0.16.");
} else {
let mut protocol_header = [0_u8; crate::PROTOCOL_HEADER.len()];
stream.read_exact(&mut protocol_header)?;
if std::str::from_utf8(&protocol_header) != Ok(crate::PROTOCOL_HEADER) {
return Err(ConnectionError::UnknownClient);
if options.quiet {
re_log::debug!("New SDK client connected from: {addr_string}");
} else {
re_log::info!("New SDK client connected from: {addr_string}");
let server_version = crate::PROTOCOL_VERSION_1;
match client_version.cmp(&server_version) {
std::cmp::Ordering::Less => {
return Err(ConnectionError::VersionError(VersionError::ClientIsOlder {
std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {}
std::cmp::Ordering::Greater => {
return Err(ConnectionError::VersionError(VersionError::ClientIsNewer {
let mut congestion_manager = CongestionManager::new(options.max_latency_sec);
let mut packet = Vec::new();
loop {
let mut packet_size = [0_u8; 4];
stream.read_exact(&mut packet_size)?;
let packet_size = u32::from_le_bytes(packet_size);
packet.resize(packet_size as usize, 0_u8);
stream.read_exact(&mut packet)?;
re_log::trace!("Received packet of size {packet_size}.");
let version_policy = re_log_encoding::VersionPolicy::Warn;
for msg in re_log_encoding::decoder::decode_bytes(version_policy, &packet)? {
if congestion_manager.should_send(&msg) {
} else {
"Input latency is over the max ({} s) - dropping packets.",
struct CongestionManager {
throttling: Throttling,
rng: rand::rngs::SmallRng,
timeline_histories: ahash::HashMap<TimelineName, TimelineThrottling>,
struct TimelineThrottling {
chance_of_sending: f32,
send_time: std::collections::BTreeMap<i64, bool>,
impl CongestionManager {
pub fn new(max_latency_sec: f32) -> Self {
Self {
throttling: Throttling::new(max_latency_sec),
rng: rand::rngs::SmallRng::from_entropy(),
timeline_histories: Default::default(),
pub fn register_latency(&mut self, latency_sec: f32) {
pub fn should_send(&mut self, msg: &LogMsg) -> bool {
if self.throttling.accept_rate == 1.0 {
return true; }
match msg {
LogMsg::SetStoreInfo(_) | LogMsg::BlueprintActivationCommand { .. } => true,
LogMsg::ArrowMsg(_, arrow_msg) => self.should_send_time_point(&arrow_msg.timepoint_max),
fn should_send_time_point(&mut self, time_point: &TimePoint) -> bool {
for (timeline, time) in time_point.iter() {
if timeline.typ() == TimeType::Sequence {
return self.should_send_time(*, time.as_i64());
self.rng.gen::<f32>() < self.throttling.accept_rate
fn should_send_time(&mut self, timeline: TimelineName, time: i64) -> bool {
let timeline_history = self.timeline_histories.entry(timeline).or_default();
match timeline_history.send_time.entry(time) {
std::collections::btree_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let send_it = 0.5 < timeline_history.chance_of_sending;
if send_it {
timeline_history.chance_of_sending -= 1.0;
} else {
timeline_history.chance_of_sending += self.throttling.accept_rate;
while timeline_history.send_time.len() > 1024 {
let oldest_time = *timeline_history
.expect("safe because checked above");
re_log::trace!("Send {timeline} {time}: {send_it}");
std::collections::btree_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
*entry.get() }
struct Throttling {
max_latency_sec: f32,
accept_rate: f32,
last_time: Instant,
last_log_time: Instant,
impl Throttling {
pub fn new(max_latency_sec: f32) -> Self {
Self {
accept_rate: 1.0,
last_time: Instant::now(),
last_log_time: Instant::now(),
pub fn register_latency(&mut self, current_latency: f32) {
let now = Instant::now();
let dt = (now - self.last_time).as_secs_f32();
self.last_time = now;
let is_good = current_latency < self.max_latency_sec;
if is_good && self.accept_rate == 1.0 {
return; }
const MIN_ACCEPT_RATE: f32 = 0.01;
if is_good {
let goodness = (self.max_latency_sec - current_latency) / self.max_latency_sec;
self.accept_rate += goodness * dt / 25.0;
} else {
let badness = (current_latency - self.max_latency_sec) / self.max_latency_sec;
let badness = badness.clamp(0.5, 2.0);
self.accept_rate -= badness * dt / 5.0;
self.accept_rate = self.accept_rate.clamp(MIN_ACCEPT_RATE, 1.0);
if self.last_log_time.elapsed().as_secs_f32() > 1.0 {
"Currently dropping {:.2}% of messages to keep latency low",
100.0 * (1.0 - self.accept_rate)
self.last_log_time = Instant::now();