use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use re_log_types::EntityPath;
/// Unique name for a system within a given [`crate::ViewClass`].
/// Note that this is *not* unique across the entire application.
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct ViewSystemIdentifier;
impl Default for ViewSystemIdentifier {
fn default() -> Self {
// TODO(andreas): This should likely be `PerVisualizer<SelectedEntities>` instead.
// Implying the missing concept of `SelectedEntities` which is a subset of `VisualizableEntities`
// as selected by the query.
pub type PerSystemEntities = BTreeMap<ViewSystemIdentifier, BTreeSet<EntityPath>>;
/// Trait for naming/identifying [`crate::VisualizerSystem`]s & [`crate::ViewContextSystem`]s.
/// Required to be implemented for registration.
pub trait IdentifiedViewSystem {
/// Unique name for a system within a given [`crate::ViewClass`].
/// Note that this is *not* unique across the entire application.
fn identifier() -> ViewSystemIdentifier;