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Methods for logging transforms on entity paths.

Learn more about transforms in the manual

def log_view_coordinates(entity_path, *, xyz='', up='', right_handed=None, timeless=False)

Log the view coordinates for an entity.

Each entity defines its own coordinate system, called a space. By logging view coordinates you can give semantic meaning to the XYZ axes of the space. This is for example useful for camera entities ("what axis is forward?").

For full control, set the xyz parameter to a three-letter acronym (xyz="RDF"). Each letter represents:

  • R: Right
  • L: Left
  • U: Up
  • D: Down
  • F: Forward
  • B: Back

Some of the most common are:

  • "RDF": X=Right Y=Down Z=Forward (right-handed)
  • "RUB" X=Right Y=Up Z=Back (right-handed)
  • "RDB": X=Right Y=Down Z=Back (left-handed)
  • "RUF": X=Right Y=Up Z=Forward (left-handed)
rerun.log_view_coordinates("world/camera", xyz="RUB")

For world-coordinates it's often convenient to just specify an up-axis. You can do so by using the up-parameter (where up is one of "+X", "-X", "+Y", "-Y", "+Z", "-Z"):

rerun.log_view_coordinates("world", up="+Z", right_handed=True, timeless=True)
rerun.log_view_coordinates("world", up="-Y", right_handed=False, timeless=True)


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path in the space hierarchy where the view coordinate will be set.

xyz str

Three-letter acronym for the view coordinate axes.

up str

Which axis is up? One of "+X", "-X", "+Y", "-Y", "+Z", "-Z".

right_handed Optional[bool]

If True, the coordinate system is right-handed. If False, it is left-handed.

timeless bool

If true, the view coordinates will be timeless (default: False).


def log_unknown_transform(entity_path, timeless=False)

Log that this entity is NOT in the same space as the parent, but you do not (yet) know how they relate.

def log_rigid3(entity_path, *, parent_from_child=None, child_from_parent=None, xyz='', timeless=False)

Log a proper rigid 3D transform between this entity and the parent.

Set either parent_from_child or child_from_parent to a tuple of (translation_xyz, quat_xyzw).


Also known as pose (e.g. camera extrinsics).

The translation is the position of the entity in the parent space. The resulting transform from child to parent corresponds to taking a point in the child space, rotating it by the given rotations, and then translating it by the given translation:

point_parent = translation + quat * point_child * quat*

t = 0.0
translation = [math.sin(t), math.cos(t), 0.0] # circle around origin
rotation = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0, np.sin(np.pi/3)] # 60 degrees around x-axis
rerun.log_rigid3("sun/planet", parent_from_child=(translation, rotation))


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path of the child space in the space hierarchy.

parent_from_child Optional[Tuple[npt.ArrayLike, npt.ArrayLike]]

A tuple of (translation_xyz, quat_xyzw) mapping points in the child space to the parent space.

child_from_parent Optional[Tuple[npt.ArrayLike, npt.ArrayLike]]

the inverse of parent_from_child

xyz str

Optionally set the view coordinates of this entity, e.g. to RDF for X=Right, Y=Down, Z=Forward. This is a convenience for also calling log_view_coordinates.

timeless bool

If true, the transform will be timeless (default: False).
