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Spatial Primitives

def rerun.log_point(entity_path, position=None, *, radius=None, color=None, label=None, class_id=None, keypoint_id=None, draw_order=None, ext=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log a 2D or 3D point, with a position and optional color, radii, label, etc.

Logging again to the same entity_path will replace the previous point.

Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA represented as a 2-element or 3-element sequence.

Supported dtypes for color:
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • float32/float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the point in the space hierarchy.

position Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Any 2-element or 3-element array-like.

radius Optional[float]

Optional radius (make it a sphere).

color Optional[Color]

Optional RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space as either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

label Optional[str]

Optional text to show with the point.

class_id Optional[int]

Optional class id for the point. The class id provides color and label if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

keypoint_id Optional[int]

Optional key point id for the point, identifying it within a class. If keypoint_id is passed but no class_id was specified, class_id will be set to 0. This is useful to identify points within a single classification (which is identified with class_id). E.g. the classification might be 'Person' and the keypoints refer to joints on a detected skeleton. See rerun.log_annotation_context

draw_order Optional[float]

An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order. Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values. The default for 2D points is 30.0.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the point will be timeless (default: False).

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_points(entity_path, positions=None, *, identifiers=None, colors=None, radii=None, labels=None, class_ids=None, keypoint_ids=None, draw_order=None, ext=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log 2D or 3D points, with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc.

Logging again to the same entity_path will replace all the previous points.

Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA. You can supply no colors, one color, or one color per point in a Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array.

Supported dtypes for colors:
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • float32/float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the points in the space hierarchy.

positions Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Nx2 or Nx3 array

identifiers Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Unique numeric id that shows up when you hover or select the point.

colors Optional[Union[Color, Colors]]

Optional colors of the points. The colors are interpreted as RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space, as either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

radii Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional radii (make it a sphere).

labels Optional[Sequence[str]]

Optional per-point text to show with the points

class_ids OptionalClassIds

Optional class ids for the points. The class id provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

keypoint_ids OptionalKeyPointIds

Optional key point ids for the points, identifying them within a class. If keypoint_ids are passed in but no class_ids were specified, class_id will be set to 0. This is useful to identify points within a single classification (which is identified with class_id). E.g. the classification might be 'Person' and the keypoints refer to joints on a detected skeleton. See rerun.log_annotation_context

draw_order Optional[float]

An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order. Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values. The default for 2D points is 30.0.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the points will be timeless (default: False).

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_rect(entity_path, rect, *, rect_format=RectFormat.XYWH, color=None, label=None, class_id=None, draw_order=None, ext=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log a 2D rectangle.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the rectangle in the space hierarchy.

rect Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

the rectangle in [x, y, w, h], or some format you pick with the rect_format argument.

rect_format RectFormat

how to interpret the rect argument

color Optional[Color]

Optional RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space as either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

label Optional[str]

Optional text to show inside the rectangle.

class_id Optional[int]

Optional class id for the rectangle. The class id provides color and label if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

draw_order Optional[float]

An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order. Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values. The default for rects is 10.0.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the rect will be timeless (default: False).

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_rects(entity_path, rects, *, rect_format=RectFormat.XYWH, identifiers=None, colors=None, labels=None, class_ids=None, draw_order=None, ext=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log multiple 2D rectangles.

Logging again to the same entity_path will replace all the previous rectangles.

Colors should either be in 0-255 gamma space or in 0-1 linear space. Colors can be RGB or RGBA. You can supply no colors, one color, or one color per point in a Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array.

Supported dtypes for colors:
  • uint8: color components should be in 0-255 sRGB gamma space, except for alpha which should be in 0-255 linear space.
  • float32/float64: all color components should be in 0-1 linear space.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the rectangles in the space hierarchy.

rects Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Nx4 numpy array, where each row is [x, y, w, h], or some format you pick with the rect_format argument.

rect_format RectFormat

how to interpret the rect argument

identifiers Optional[Sequence[int]]

Unique numeric id that shows up when you hover or select the point.

colors Optional[Union[Color, Colors]]

Optional per-rectangle gamma-space RGB or RGBA as 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers.

labels Optional[Sequence[str]]

Optional per-rectangle text to show inside the rectangle.

class_ids OptionalClassIds

Optional class ids for the rectangles. The class id provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly. See rerun.log_annotation_context

draw_order Optional[float]

An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order. Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values. The default for rects is 10.0.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the rects will be timeless (default: False).

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_obb(entity_path, *, half_size, position=None, rotation_q=None, color=None, stroke_width=None, label=None, class_id=None, ext=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log a 3D Oriented Bounding Box, or OBB.

rr.log_obb("my_obb", half_size=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], position=[0, 0, 0], rotation_q=[0, 0, 0, 1])


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

The path to the oriented bounding box in the space hierarchy.

half_size Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Array with [x, y, z] half dimensions of the OBB.

position Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional array with [x, y, z] position of the OBB in world space.

rotation_q Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional array with quaternion coordinates [x, y, z, w] for the rotation from model to world space.

color Optional[Color]

Optional RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space as either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

stroke_width Optional[float]

Optional width of the line edges.

label Optional[str]

Optional text label placed at position.

class_id Optional[int]

Optional class id for the OBB. The class id provides colors and labels if not specified explicitly.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the bounding box will be timeless (default: False).

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_line_strip(entity_path, positions, *, stroke_width=None, color=None, draw_order=None, ext=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log a line strip through 2D or 3D space.

A line strip is a list of points connected by line segments. It can be used to draw approximations of smooth curves.

The points will be connected in order, like so:

       2------3     5
      /        \   /
0----1          \ /


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the path in the space hierarchy

positions Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

An Nx2 or Nx3 array of points along the path.

stroke_width Optional[float]

Optional width of the line.

color Optional[Color]

Optional RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space as either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

draw_order Optional[float]

An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order. Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values. The default for lines is 20.0.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the path will be timeless (default: False).

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_line_segments(entity_path, positions, *, stroke_width=None, color=None, draw_order=None, ext=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log many 2D or 3D line segments.

The points will be connected in even-odd pairs, like so:

       2------3     5
0----1            /


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the line segments in the space hierarchy

positions npt.ArrayLike

An Nx2 or Nx3 array of points. Even-odd pairs will be connected as segments.

stroke_width Optional[float]

Optional width of the line.

color Optional[Color]

Optional RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space as either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

draw_order Optional[float]

An optional floating point value that specifies the 2D drawing order. Objects with higher values are drawn on top of those with lower values. The default for lines is 20.0.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

If true, the line segments will be timeless (default: False).

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_arrow(entity_path, origin, vector=None, *, color=None, label=None, width_scale=None, ext=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log a 3D arrow.

An arrow is defined with an origin, and a vector. This can also be considered as start and end positions for the arrow.

The shaft is rendered as a cylinder with radius = 0.5 * width_scale. The tip is rendered as a cone with height = 2.0 * width_scale and radius = 1.0 * width_scale.


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

The path to store the entity at.

origin Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

The base position of the arrow.

vector Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

The vector along which the arrow will be drawn.

color Optional[Color]

Optional RGB or RGBA in sRGB gamma-space as either 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers, with separate alpha.

label Optional[str]

An optional text to show beside the arrow.

width_scale Optional[float]

An optional scaling factor, default=1.0.

ext Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Optional dictionary of extension components. See rerun.log_extension_components

timeless bool

The entity is not time-dependent, and will be visible at any time point.

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_mesh(entity_path, positions, *, indices=None, normals=None, albedo_factor=None, vertex_colors=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log a raw 3D mesh by specifying its vertex positions, and optionally indices, normals and albedo factor.

You can also use [rerun.log_mesh_file] to log .gltf, .glb, .obj, etc.

# A simple red triangle:
    positions = [
        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    indices = [0, 1, 2],
    normals = [
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
    albedo_factor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the mesh in the space hierarchy

positions Any

An array of 3D points. If no indices are specified, then each triplet of positions is interpreted as a triangle.

indices Optional[Any]

If specified, is a flattened array of indices that describe the mesh's triangles, i.e. its length must be divisible by 3.

normals Optional[Any]

If specified, is a (potentially flattened) array of 3D vectors that describe the normal for each vertex, i.e. the total number of elements must be divisible by 3 and more importantly, len(normals) should be equal to len(positions).

albedo_factor Optional[Any]

Optional color multiplier of the mesh using RGB or unmuliplied RGBA in linear 0-1 space.

vertex_colors Optional[Colors]

Optional array of RGB(A) vertex colors, in sRGB gamma space, either as 0-1 floats or 0-255 integers. If specified, the alpha is considered separate (unmultiplied).

timeless bool

If true, the mesh will be timeless (default: False)

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_meshes(entity_path, position_buffers, *, vertex_color_buffers, index_buffers, normal_buffers, albedo_factors, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log multiple raw 3D meshes by specifying their different buffers and albedo factors.

To learn more about how the data within these buffers is interpreted and laid out, refer to the documentation for [rerun.log_mesh].


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the mesh in the space hierarchy

position_buffers Sequence[npt.ArrayLike]

A sequence of position buffers, one for each mesh.

vertex_color_buffers Sequence[Optional[Colors]]

An optional sequence of vertex color buffers, one for each mesh.

index_buffers Sequence[Optional[npt.ArrayLike]]

An optional sequence of index buffers, one for each mesh.

normal_buffers Sequence[Optional[npt.ArrayLike]]

An optional sequence of normal buffers, one for each mesh.

albedo_factors Sequence[Optional[npt.ArrayLike]]

An optional sequence of albedo factors, one for each mesh.

timeless bool

If true, the mesh will be timeless (default: False)

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.


def rerun.log_mesh_file(entity_path, mesh_format, *, mesh_bytes=None, mesh_path=None, transform=None, timeless=False, recording=None)

Log the contents of a mesh file (.gltf, .glb, .obj, …).

You must pass either mesh_bytes or mesh_path.

You can also use [rerun.log_mesh] to log raw mesh data.

# Move mesh 10 units along the X axis.
    [1, 0, 0, 10],
    [0, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0]])


Name Type Description Default
entity_path str

Path to the mesh in the space hierarchy

mesh_format MeshFormat

Format of the mesh file

mesh_bytes Optional[bytes]

Content of an mesh file, e.g. a .glb.

mesh_path Optional[Path]

Path to an mesh file, e.g. a .glb.

transform Optional[npt.ArrayLike]

Optional 3x4 affine transform matrix applied to the mesh

timeless bool

If true, the mesh will be timeless (default: False)

recording Optional[RecordingStream]

Specifies the rerun.RecordingStream to use. If left unspecified, defaults to the current active data recording, if there is one. See also: rerun.init, rerun.set_global_data_recording.
