Crerun::datatypes::Angle | Datatype: Angle in either radians or degrees |
Crerun::archetypes::AnnotationContext | Archetype: The AnnotationContext provides additional information on how to display entities |
Crerun::components::AnnotationContext | Component: The AnnotationContext provides additional information on how to display entities |
Crerun::datatypes::AnnotationInfo | Datatype: Annotation info annotating a class id or key-point id |
Crerun::archetypes::Arrows3D | Archetype: 3D arrows with optional colors, radii, labels, etc |
Crerun::archetypes::Asset3D | Archetype: A prepacked 3D asset (.gltf , .glb , .obj , etc.) |
Crerun::blueprint::AutoSpaceViews | Blueprint: A flag indicating space views should be automatically populated |
Crerun::archetypes::BarChart | Archetype: A bar chart |
Crerun::components::Blob | Component: A binary blob of data |
Crerun::archetypes::Boxes2D | Archetype: 2D boxes with half-extents and optional center, rotations, rotations, colors etc |
Crerun::archetypes::Boxes3D | Archetype: 3D boxes with half-extents and optional center, rotations, rotations, colors etc |
Crerun::datatypes::ClassDescription | Datatype: The description of a semantic Class |
Crerun::datatypes::ClassDescriptionMapElem | Datatype: A helper type for mapping class IDs to class descriptions |
Crerun::components::ClassId | Component: A 16-bit ID representing a type of semantic class |
Crerun::datatypes::ClassId | Datatype: A 16-bit ID representing a type of semantic class |
Crerun::archetypes::Clear | Archetype: Empties all the components of an entity |
Crerun::components::ClearIsRecursive | Component: Configures how a clear operation should behave - recursive or not |
Crerun::Collection< TElement > | Generic collection of elements that are roughly contiguous in memory |
Crerun::Collection< double > | |
Crerun::Collection< float > | |
Crerun::Collection< int16_t > | |
Crerun::Collection< int32_t > | |
Crerun::Collection< int64_t > | |
Crerun::Collection< int8_t > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::components::HalfSizes2D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::components::HalfSizes3D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::components::LineStrip2D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::components::LineStrip3D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::components::Position2D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::components::Position3D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::components::Vector3D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::datatypes::AnnotationInfo > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::datatypes::ClassDescriptionMapElem > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::datatypes::KeypointPair > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::datatypes::TensorDimension > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::datatypes::Vec2D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::datatypes::Vec3D > | |
Crerun::Collection< rerun::half > | |
Crerun::Collection< std::string > | |
Crerun::Collection< uint16_t > | |
Crerun::Collection< uint32_t > | |
Crerun::Collection< uint64_t > | |
Crerun::Collection< uint8_t > | |
Crerun::CollectionAdapter< TElement, TContainer, Enable > | The rerun::CollectionAdapter trait is responsible for mapping an input argument to a rerun::Collection |
Crerun::components::Color | Component: An RGBA color with unmultiplied/separate alpha, in sRGB gamma space with linear alpha |
Crerun::ComponentType | A type of component that can be registered |
Crerun::DataCell | Arrow-encoded data of a single batch components for a single entity |
Crerun::archetypes::DepthImage | Archetype: A depth image |
Crerun::components::DepthMeter | Component: A component indicating how long a meter is, expressed in native units |
Crerun::archetypes::DisconnectedSpace | Archetype: Specifies that the entity path at which this is logged is disconnected from its parent |
Crerun::components::DisconnectedSpace | Component: Specifies that the entity path at which this is logged is disconnected from its parent |
Crerun::components::DrawOrder | Component: Draw order used for the display order of 2D elements |
Crerun::blueprint::EntityPropertiesComponent | Blueprint: The configurable set of overridable properties |
Crerun::Error | Status outcome object (success or error) returned for fallible operations |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Crerun::traits::details::is_iterable< T, typename > | False type if a given type is not iterable and has a size (has begin and end ) |
Crerun::datatypes::Float32 | Datatype: A single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point number |
Crerun::half | IEEE 754 16-bit half-precision floating point number |
Crerun::components::HalfSizes2D | Component: Half-sizes (extents) of a 2D box along its local axis, starting at its local origin/center |
Crerun::components::HalfSizes3D | Component: Half-sizes (extents) of a 3D box along its local axis, starting at its local origin/center |
Crerun::archetypes::Image | Archetype: A monochrome or color image |
Crerun::components::IndicatorComponent< Name > | Indicator component used by archetypes when converting them to component lists |
Crerun::components::InstanceKey | Component: A unique numeric identifier for each individual instance within a batch |
Crerun::components::KeypointId | Component: A 16-bit ID representing a type of semantic keypoint within a class |
Crerun::datatypes::KeypointId | Datatype: A 16-bit ID representing a type of semantic keypoint within a class |
Crerun::datatypes::KeypointPair | Datatype: A connection between two Keypoints |
Crerun::components::LineStrip2D | Component: A line strip in 2D space |
Crerun::components::LineStrip3D | Component: A line strip in 3D space |
Crerun::archetypes::LineStrips2D | Archetype: 2D line strips with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc |
Crerun::archetypes::LineStrips3D | Archetype: 3D line strips with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc |
Crerun::Loggable< T > | The Loggable trait is used by all built-in implementation of rerun::AsComponents to serialize a collection for logging |
Crerun::datatypes::Mat3x3 | Datatype: A 3x3 Matrix |
Crerun::datatypes::Mat4x4 | Datatype: A 4x4 Matrix |
Crerun::components::Material | Component: Material properties of a mesh |
Crerun::datatypes::Material | Datatype: Material properties of a mesh |
Crerun::components::MediaType | Component: A standardized media type (RFC2046, formerly known as MIME types), encoded as a utf8 string |
Crerun::archetypes::Mesh3D | Archetype: A 3D triangle mesh as specified by its per-mesh and per-vertex properties |
Crerun::components::MeshProperties | Component: Optional triangle indices for a mesh |
Crerun::datatypes::MeshProperties | Datatype: Optional triangle indices for a mesh |
Crerun::components::OutOfTreeTransform3D | Component: An out-of-tree affine transform between two 3D spaces, represented in a given direction |
Crerun::blueprint::PanelView | Blueprint: The state of the panels |
Crerun::archetypes::Pinhole | Archetype: Camera perspective projection (a.k.a |
Crerun::components::PinholeProjection | Component: Camera projection, from image coordinates to view coordinates |
Crerun::archetypes::Points2D | Archetype: A 2D point cloud with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc |
Crerun::archetypes::Points3D | Archetype: A 3D point cloud with positions and optional colors, radii, labels, etc |
Crerun::components::Position2D | Component: A position in 2D space |
Crerun::components::Position3D | Component: A position in 3D space |
Crerun::datatypes::Quaternion | Datatype: A Quaternion represented by 4 real numbers |
Crerun::blueprint::QueryExpressions | Blueprint: A set of expressions used for a DataQueryBlueprint |
Crerun::components::Radius | Component: A Radius component |
Crerun::RecordingStream | A RecordingStream handles everything related to logging data into Rerun |
Crerun::RerunGlobalConfig | Configuration singleton that applies to the entire SDK |
Crerun::components::Resolution | Component: Pixel resolution width & height, e.g |
Crerun::Result< T > | A class for representing either a usable value, or an error |
Crerun::datatypes::Rgba32 | Datatype: An RGBA color with unmultiplied/separate alpha, in sRGB gamma space with linear alpha |
Crerun::components::Rotation3D | Component: A 3D rotation, represented either by a quaternion or a rotation around axis |
Crerun::datatypes::Rotation3D | Datatype: A 3D rotation |
Crerun::datatypes::RotationAxisAngle | Datatype: 3D rotation represented by a rotation around a given axis |
Crerun::components::Scalar | Component: A double-precision scalar |
Crerun::components::ScalarScattering | Component: If true, a scalar will be shown as individual point in a scatter plot |
Crerun::datatypes::Scale3D | Datatype: 3D scaling factor, part of a transform representation |
Crerun::archetypes::SegmentationImage | Archetype: An image made up of integer class-ids |
Crerun::blueprint::SpaceViewComponent | Blueprint: A view of a space |
Crerun::blueprint::SpaceViewMaximized | Blueprint: Whether a space view is maximized |
Crerun::SpawnOptions | Options to control the behavior of spawn |
Crerun::archetypes::Tensor | Archetype: A generic n-dimensional Tensor |
Crerun::datatypes::TensorBuffer | Datatype: The underlying storage for a Tensor |
Crerun::components::TensorData | Component: A multi-dimensional Tensor with optionally named arguments |
Crerun::datatypes::TensorData | Datatype: A multi-dimensional Tensor of data |
Crerun::datatypes::TensorDimension | Datatype: A single dimension within a multi-dimensional tensor |
Crerun::components::Text | Component: A string of text, e.g. for labels and text documents |
Crerun::archetypes::TextDocument | Archetype: A text element intended to be displayed in its own text-box |
Crerun::archetypes::TextLog | Archetype: A log entry in a text log, comprised of a text body and its log level |
Crerun::components::TextLogLevel | Component: The severity level of a text log message |
Crerun::archetypes::TimeSeriesScalar | Archetype: Log a double-precision scalar that will be visualized as a time-series plot |
Crerun::archetypes::Transform3D | Archetype: A 3D transform |
Crerun::components::Transform3D | Component: An affine transform between two 3D spaces, represented in a given direction |
Crerun::datatypes::Transform3D | Datatype: Representation of a 3D affine transform |
Crerun::datatypes::TranslationAndMat3x3 | Datatype: Representation of an affine transform via a 3x3 affine matrix paired with a translation |
Crerun::datatypes::TranslationRotationScale3D | Datatype: Representation of an affine transform via separate translation, rotation & scale |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Crerun::traits::details::is_iterable< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::begin(std::declval< T & >())), decltype(std::end(std::declval< T & >())) > > | True type if a given type is iterable and has a size (has begin and end implemented) |
Crerun::datatypes::UInt32 | Datatype: A 32bit unsigned integer |
Crerun::datatypes::Utf8 | Datatype: A string of text, encoded as UTF-8 |
Crerun::datatypes::UVec2D | Datatype: A uint32 vector in 2D space |
Crerun::datatypes::UVec3D | Datatype: A uint32 vector in 3D space |
Crerun::datatypes::UVec4D | Datatype: A uint vector in 4D space |
Crerun::datatypes::Vec2D | Datatype: A vector in 2D space |
Crerun::datatypes::Vec3D | Datatype: A vector in 3D space |
Crerun::datatypes::Vec4D | Datatype: A vector in 4D space |
Crerun::components::Vector3D | Component: A vector in 3D space |
Crerun::archetypes::ViewCoordinates | Archetype: How we interpret the coordinate system of an entity/space |
Crerun::components::ViewCoordinates | Component: How we interpret the coordinate system of an entity/space |
Crerun::blueprint::ViewportLayout | Blueprint: A view of a space |